
I was wondering if anyone, especially women, have a problem with the veins on their hands and forearms popping out? I look like I am a female body builder on steroids! It looks horrible. It seems to be the worst when I am warm, however, the veins are always buldging. I won't wear short or 3/4 sleeves because it is so embarrassing, and disqusting looking. Is this a medical problem or just the fact that I have lost all of my weight and now the veins are overly apparant (to say the least). Let me know, if you have this problem and what can be done, please. I am desperate. I am dreading the warm weather coming.    — Dawn H. (posted on January 12, 2004)

January 12, 2004
God yes! Here I thought I was the only one! ;)
   — Danmark

January 12, 2004
I can't belive you only had 1 other response.I would like to have seen my reponses on your question.I have notice LARGE veins in the lower parts of my arms. Veins so big anybody could draw blood with there eyes closed. I also have a friend that is about 3 yrs post op and I remember before I had my surgery noticing this on her and thinking I hope this is not because of the surgery. Jane 03-03-03 256-151-140
   — Jane T.

January 12, 2004
Me too... but I like mine :-)
   — Robert L.

January 12, 2004
Hi- I have noticed the same thing in my lower arms and lower legs- and it is most prevalent after a vigorous session of cardio and weights. I think it has a lot to do with the high volume of water/fluid intake along with the fact that we haven't seen those veins in so long because they were buried underneath layers of fat and skin. NOw that those layers are going away our veins do stand out - kind of like those bones in the collar bone area- I never imagined that I had such pronounced collar bones. It is such a weird sensation to run my fingers along my collar bone- I actually feel small and fragile at times. In time our veins will go back to normal- I hope. OpenRNY March 28 2003 305lbs to 159
   — lyndaleigh

January 13, 2004
Not only do the veins in my lower arms and hands stick out alot, but I'm getting veroquos veins in my legs. THAT I HATE. :(
   — Danmark

January 13, 2004
Yep, Me too! Right behind my knees. I am too young for this!lol
   — Dawn H.

January 13, 2004
My work has afforded me to see many veins - and this might well be what your veins always were like prior to your weight gain or if you had a lot of weight all along. Some people have veins that are nice and plump, but when I'd go near them - they would move in all different directions. Also, dehydration causes the veins to appear to pop out - and as someone mentioned after working out they see their veins more clearly - as with body builders who purpose omit water just prior to competition. But you should drink as much water as possible - to help keep them well lubricated.
   — Anna M.

January 14, 2004
yes!! my veins in my arms and hands stick out so bad. It bothers me too. I have lost all my excess weight and i guess they have always been there they are just more prominent now. kristiky
   — tinalivesay

January 14, 2004
I just went for some bloodwork about 2 weeks ago and the phlebotomist told me that I had "beautiful veins"...I thought that they stuck out a bit too much, but she was happy...guess it made her job easier. LOL Just goes to show you that one mans junk is another's treasure...
   — Mustang

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