Has anyone had or has a buring sensation after they eat?

It is in my lower abdomen by my belly button. It happens about 5 to 6 min after I start to eat anything now. What could cause this any ideas?    — denisemills (posted on January 5, 2004)

January 5, 2004
Denise, yes I did and it turned out to be acid re-flux never had it before surgery and all of a sudden got, call your surgeon ASAP because it will get WORSE!!!! Trust me, it got to the point I could even swallow water. I went to the Doctor and he put me on Previcid and it works. So call your surgeon. Good Luck :) Christine
   — blainejrjeni

January 5, 2004
Make an appt for the Dr. I had the problem last month, let it continue for 2 weeks until I started doubling over 5-6 min after I ate. Mine turned out to be h.pylori not acid reflux. After antibiotics the h.pylori was cured and now it appears that I have an ulcer (caused by h.pylori not the surgery). A Dr. can give you something like prevacid for both ulcers and acid reflux. It will make you feel much better.
   — M B.

January 6, 2004
It sounds like a stomach ulcer. Have your surgeon check it out.
   — Cindy R.

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