what is a stricture

I have recently posted about this mucous building up in my stomach and causing me to vomit anything that i eat or drink. what is a stricture exactly and what causes it! sorry I am clueless but this mucous is really bothering me.    — andrija (posted on January 4, 2004)

January 4, 2004
a stricture is the narrowing of the opening of your pouch. they are very serious and if you think you may have get check out by your surgeon right away. a stricture is easly repaired. good luck. melinda-largo, fl lap rny 10/17/03 -69lbs
   — melindainfla

January 4, 2004
Hi! Sounds like you may have one...I've had five and there is alot of info about it in my profile.
   — jennifer A.

January 5, 2004
I had a stricture at one month post op. A stricture is when the opening in your pouch to your intestines narrows or closes. I was unable to eat or drink anything, if I did I would get a terrible pain in my chest and vomit. I would also produce too much saliva and would vomit foam (yuck). I was scoped and dialated and have been fine ever since. I am now almost 6 months post op. The scope procedure was a breeze for me, I was sedated and don't remember anything about it. The Dr. gave me color pictures of my innards...very interesting!!
   — Lois B.

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