I am not quite 2 wks post LAP RNY and although I took Prevacid prior to surgery

I am not quite 2 wks post LAP RNY and although I took Prevacid prior to surgery with no problems, I continue to take it after surgery and it doesn't seem to be working! I was up most of the night last night suffering from this burning, acidic feeling just like I used to before taking this medication. Does anyone know if maybe it's not working because it's in the capsule and the capsule is not disolving?? The first week out of surgery I was having trouble getting all my meds in (i was on about 8 different ones prior to surgery) and my PCP suggested I mix up the prevacid in some applesauce so it was 2 less pills to take...i kept gagging on the little things in the capsule so i finally just took it as a pill...Really would appreciate any/all suggestions on the way.. the PUREED diet is but i'm still glad to be a "loser" Christal Alley    — huggygrrl (posted on December 22, 2003)

December 21, 2003
First of all, I'd call the doctor and let him know it wasn't working. I took Aciphex before surgery and Dr. Bo said I could switch to Pepcid AC and take that for a year. So far, no problems. I take the tiny little pill each morning since the doctor did say we are at risk for developing an ulcer for about the first year after surgery.
   —  SCbabe B.

December 22, 2003
Christal, I also took Prevacid for years prior to surgery. I had a big problem with reflux at first, and took the capsule in sugar free applesauce. You have to take the capsule apart. You cannot take the capsule, as it will not dissolve. I am now alittle over 2 months out and no longer need to take it. But you shouldn't be taking pills for a few months yet. Good luck!
   — doglover

December 22, 2003
I am 3 months post and currently take prevacid. I open the capsule and put it in applesauce or mashed potatoes. Something you don't have to chew. If you try to chew the little beads, you will gag. But if you just put little bits in your mouth and swallow, it goes down fine. I am really concerned that you are swallowing pills at 2 weeks post!! Almost all surgeons suggest no swallowing pills until around 6 months post. I would double check with your surgeon for directions. ~Sarah, 9/18/03, 325/265.5
   — sibarra

December 22, 2003
I can echo someone else; call your surgeon and let him/her know about this right away. You really should not be having this problem after RNY, and you might be developing an ulcer. As far as the pureed diet - check the library on this site and see if you can't come up with some tasty ideas. I had to do pureed for the first four weeks, and pureed does not have to be bland and tasteless. Also, I was back to taking pills when I got home after lap RNY. I did do chewable vitamins, but switched to regular vitamins after I used up the chewable ones. Hope you feel better soon!
   — koogy

December 23, 2003
Well, there are two issues here. It's kind of strange that you're having reflux as a post op, since that usually gets rid of that problem since our pouches don't have stomach acid. I haven't had heartburn in 15 months as a post-op and I used to get it fairly often before. Heck, just the teeny amounts you're eating on your pureed diet should guarantee against it, I would think. Having said that, there are a few reasons the Prevacid might not be working. You said you started taking it as a pre-op; is it time released? Basically, things pass through our bodies too quickly now for time release capsules to be of much use to us. Also due to the malabsorption, a lot of people find they need their med dosages increased on some medications. By the way I think I was taking my Prevacid in capsule form by the 2nd or 3rd week, and it didn't cause me any problems. I found it too hard to mix my capsules up with something too. I would hold the capsule in my mouth a little before swallowing to start the shell softening.. But I would call the doctor and explain the symptoms you're having.
   — sandsonik

December 25, 2003
In most cases weightloss surgery will cure reflux but it does not in some people. I still had severe heartburn after surgery,which caused me to have numerous strictures. The only thing that helped was the prevacid in granule form taken twice a day. You mix up the granules with a little water then drink it.
   — jennifer A.

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