Can it be gallbladder related?

I had a gallbladder ultrasound that came back fine, but ever since I have been having terrible heartburn EVERYDAY! Only Zantac really helps. What I was wondering is if it would be silly to want my gallbladder out even if the U/S was ok...and to prevent future surgery!! Any help would be great!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on December 20, 2003)

December 19, 2003
This is probably not GB pain. It doesn't feel like stomach pain at all. It is located under your rib cage on the lower right. If you are pre-op, the surgeon will not take a healthy organ out on a whim. You may have reflux, which is treated well with Zantac. The GB helps with many things, including digestion. My GB surgery was not a big deal, so I would'nt worry too much.
   — Christina J

December 20, 2003
If you're pre-surgery, yes, you CAN have your surgeom take out your gall bladder at the same time. Rapid weight loss often CAUSES gall bladder trouble, so some surgeons routinely take it out during WLS. It's not a whim, it's preventitive medicine. I had my appendix out during my surgery, also.
   — MsBatt

December 20, 2003
I asked my surgeon to remove my gallbladdder and he refused saying that my ultra sound came back fine and that he couldn't do it. I even tried to get him to use something and make it have something wrong because I figured my luck I would have to anyway somewhere along the way. I am now 16 months post-op and have had no problems at all..Good Luck!!
   — Sharon1964

December 20, 2003
I was sent for a gallbladder U/S pre-op. The tech didnt find any stones. My surgeon called the hospital and had them test my gallbladder with a different test. Basically they watched the way my gallbladder was functioning. I was given a shot of medicine that would case by gallbladder to restrict. It made me VERY sick to my stomach, but it was worth it. The test confirmed that my gallbladder wasnt working right. It was removed during my WLS.
   — S A.

December 20, 2003
My surgeon says gall bladder pain can take on many feelings or locations, makes it hard to diagnose sometimes. Removing it takes longer increasing table time:( The big problem is insurance doesnt want to pay to remove them unless they are bad. You could ask your surgeon how much extra it would cost for removal on a cash basis. <P> My surgeon now gives every post op actigal, and gallbladder removal as a postie s described as no biggie and back to work in a few days by those who have gone thru it. Of course no one wants to have surgery again:(
   — bob-haller

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