What symptoms did you have for revisions?

I hear of a group of persons needed revisions to their stable line. I am 9-months post-op and currently expierencing extreme pain in my lower abdomin immediatley after eating. I have been treating the pain as if it's just gas, but no avail to the pain. I am also very tired, having problems sleeping, problems getting up in the morning, and would like to know if others have expierenced similar problems. Please advise any suggestions, comments you may have.    — Tie C. (posted on December 1, 2003)

December 1, 2003
I had the VBG in april 8th 2002 I was able to eat more and start to gain so of my weight back. But had a hard time holding food down. My doctor had me come in for some test and found out that it was stable line. So I have got the ok from the insurance company so I am waiting for a date and I will be having a revision to the open rny.
   — maxine84

December 1, 2003
Tie, It sounds like you need to call your surgeon ASAP - if you're having consistent pain like that, it's not a good thing. Could be anything from a staple line disruption, to an ulcer, to a twisted bowel, all sorts of things! Best to go to the surgeon who can accurately diagnose this. If you're interested in talking to people who have had revisions, there is a Yahoo group at Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

December 2, 2003
I didn't have any pain when my staple line disrupted. The only way I knew was when I quit losing weight. Some people experience pain from acid but I didn't. Get an upper GI and find out what is going on. Are you transected?
   — Mylou52

July 29, 2005
name of oldest dog
   — leslie F.

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