anyone take xanical after having wls if so how long after wls

   — Tanya W. (posted on November 28, 2003)

November 28, 2003
I took it for 2 days after doctor prescribed due to extremely slow weight loss. It made me so sick, I couldn't continue. I already have IBS and this made it many times worse. Wish I had known before I spend $127 out of pocket as my insurance didn't cover it.
   — Dianne C.

November 28, 2003
Hi Tanya, my pcp Rx'd it for me try for about 6 months before surgery, and I remember reading it should not be used by people with malabsorbtion, and RNY'ers have malabsorbtion. But it is safe to follow your doctors instructions, ask your doc if you have questions or concerns. good luck :0)
   — wizz46

November 28, 2003
Generally, a doc won't Rx this particular med b/c of the malabsorption that goes with RNY's. I have been given Fastin to help lose weight...But my surgeon will only give it for a 2 month period. But no Xenecal...Best of luck! Marni <3
   — Marni

November 29, 2003
Hi Tanya, Xenical causes you to not absorb approximately 33% of the fat from each meal. You also don't absorb about 33% of the fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K). It sounds dangerous to me when you are already having absorption problems post op.
   — Susan F.

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