Anyone had recurrent yeast infections since their surgery?

I have had at least 4 yeast infections since my RNY in Oct. 2002. I had not had any problems with that prior to surgery. Hasa anyone else had this problem, and does it have anything to do with the surgery?    — Tina L. (posted on November 18, 2003)

November 18, 2003
Hi... Yes, I have had the same problem since my rny in 8/02. I have been on Terasol (sp?) cream 4 times, along with a course of Diflucan...It seems to be subsiding now, but who knows for how long, and why? I plan to discuss with my gyn at my next visit.
   — Metsfan91

November 18, 2003
I had several the first month out and took Diflucan and used topical agents. I now have yeast infections that cause my belly button to be inflamed and ouchy and I am 20or solbs from goal!!! ggrrr! 4/22/03 Lap RNY 252/169/145
   — Lisa K.

November 18, 2003
I had several the first month out and took Diflucan and used topical agents. I now have yeast infections that cause my belly button to be inflamed and ouchy and I am 20or solbs from goal!!! ggrrr! 4/22/03 Lap RNY 252/169/145
   — Lisa K.

November 18, 2003
My doctor told us that this is a common problem with WLS, but not why. My surgery was 10/06/03 and I am already on my first bout of it, I have had problems with this in the past. You can get a product called acidophilus from GNC it has the natural bacteria that we need to combat yeast problems.
   — dimccoy

November 18, 2003
Keep in mind, you may have only had one that didn't completely go away. I have never heard of it being a common thing after WLS, nor can I think of any reason why it would be so other than immediately after due to the antibiotics. I have had once since WLS, and that was due to antibiotics.
   — RebeccaP

November 18, 2003
I have always had yeast infection problems, so I'm wondering if it will get worse now (2 mos post-op). I did have a pretty major one several weeks ago, took Diflucan and used OTC Monistat, 3 days. It seems to have subsided, but I know I'm very prone to them.
   — Carlita

November 19, 2003
I had very severe yeast infections immediately after both surgeries. The very potent antibiotics we have to take kill all bacteria, including the good kind----the ones that control the growth of yeast. It took a while of treatment---using over the counter medicine to clear up. And even that wasn't cheap. 2 1/2 years PO, haven't had one since last year's hernia repair. Any surgery or injury where you take potent antibiotics can cause this. Years ago when my finger was cut to the bone---I had one after that too. Good Luck
   — bek4901

November 19, 2003
WOW!! I am so glad you asked this question. I never had problems with yeast infections before WLS and now I am 26 months out and have like 3 and this seemed unreal to me. Seeing your question and responses makes me see that maybe WLS has attributed to it somehow. I will definitely bring this to me doctors attention. WOW, I can't believe that I never thought of that LOL. Thanks, this group is great. Lap RNY 8-9-01 from 276 to 136 lbs.
   — ncgal

November 20, 2003
I have had 4 yeast infections in 1 month. As soon as I finish the medication its back the next day. I can't stand this much longer. I go back to the dr. today for more tests.
   — jojo63

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