Has anyone`s sugar level dropped low

The other day I was sitting at my desk and my hands began to shake real bad and I felt funny. I had a couple of sips of orange juice and was okay. I am very disciplined as to what I put in my mouth and just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this. Also, If we are to watch our sugar than why did I need to have sugar to feel better?do    — Marti M. (posted on November 17, 2003)

November 17, 2003
It's called hypoglycemia and I have had the problem before surgery and after surgery. Eat protein not sugar. My endocrinologist has been very clear about not eating sugar to increase the levels in your blood. Sugar will make your system crash once it passes through your system. It moves through your system faster than protein. Protein takes longer to digest and will keep the crashes at bay. I keep cheese cubes with me.
   — M B.

November 17, 2003
Instead of just sugar, have a complex carb. You could have a piece of fruit, a couple of baby carrots, cheese and crackers. The main thing is to get a complex carb into you as soon as possible. Simple sugars work fast but wear off fast too. A complex carb will work a little slower but last longer. A protein will take even longer to get rid of the shakes but will last a long time too.
   — mary ann T.

November 17, 2003
Marti, It seems like all of a sudden I know LOTS of RNY post-ops who are experiencing this low blood sugar phenomenon. One lady I know has to have a service dog with her all the time now because her blood sugar drops are so severe - and unanticipated! Please post what you find - it may potentially help lots of people! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 17, 2003
Eat proteins spread pretty evenly throughout the day. Sugars will cause you to feel better for a while, but they pass through your system pretty quickly. OJ is good to get you going, but the long-term fix is to avoid sugars like the plague and do proteins and complex carbs.
   — Cathy S.

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