Anyone had problems with anesthesia and huge tonsils?

I have huge tonsils and adnoids. My doc said it may cause a problem for tube but good anesthesiologist could handle it. Anyone else have this problem? Mine are huge!    — Vitabella (posted on November 11, 2003)

November 11, 2003
I have big ol' tonsils, too. The anesthesiologist had no problem getting the tube in and I didn't have a sore throat after surgery.
   — koogy

November 13, 2003
I am 8 days post-op and it took about 5 days to get over my sore throat. The Doc. told me the same thing. They did not have any trouble putting the breathing tube in and you will not know it is in anyway, best sleep you ever had! They take the tube out before you wake up unless there are any comlications. I did suffer with a slight sore throat for several days afterwords. Nothing serious, they even offered me a throat spray. I hope this helps. Good luck to you...Allison
   — Alley

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