
Hi, theres a management discussion going on presently wondering if the Q&A should be rolled into the new message board? What would happen is subjects of long term interest would be skimed from the MB and added to the existing library . All posts would be asked on the same board.<P> I honestly dont know what the members want, and for me thats the most important question. So if you havent seen the new message board please take a look and give us some input. I hope we get LOTS of responses, above all management wants everyone to be happy with whatever is decided.    — bob-haller (posted on November 4, 2003)

November 4, 2003
I intentionally made the title of this dramatic so everyone would read it. Be assured AMOS isnt goiing anywhere its just wondering how best to serve its members:)
   — bob-haller

November 4, 2003
I love the questions just the way they are!!Please don't change anymore.I like the message board the way it used to be so I read it like that.Just my opinion.This website is great,I am on everyday!!!Keep up the great work!!!!!!
   — natalie J.

November 4, 2003
I think that you have many people who like one or the other. I know many people who go only to the q&a to avoid all of the non WLS stuff on the message boards. I also see few of the people who regularly post on the boards answering a lot of questions. I personally really like the Q&A forum a lot.
   — Carol S.

November 4, 2003
I like the way the Q&A is now. It would be my vote to keep it the way it is. Thanks for asking for our input! Allison OPEN RNY 1/2/03 352/206/160
   — Allison B.

November 4, 2003
I vote to keep it as it is.
   — Lynette H.

November 4, 2003
Pleeeeeeeease leave the Q&A section just like it is. It's simple and I like the format. Thanks for asking....... Marie
   — dreamernsc

November 4, 2003
Please keep the Q&A board as it is. Some days, I'm only looking at the Q&A to see if somebody else is having a problem that I'm having and what the replies are. There are many days I just don't have time to read the message boards but can pop in for a few minutes 3 or 4 times a day and catch up on all the questions.
   — Carolyn M.

November 4, 2003
Honestly, I like the Q&A the way that it is.... The message board to me is more like a big group of friends getting together and discussing their day to day lives and concerns (and to vent your frustrations), and is a perfect way to keep up with everyone and I think it is a wonderful forum just the way it is. This seems to be more of a place to get your specific questions and concerns answered, which I think is wonderful just the way that it is too. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.... ;-)
   — Jessica P.

November 4, 2003
   — JOYCE R.

November 4, 2003
Please keep it like it is!!!! Many times I dont have the time to look at the messgage board and the Q&A format is helpful because it narrows things down. If they were incorprated with the message board, people would less likely be able to receive the answers they need because in just and hour they would be on the next page and not easily seen. I vote to keep it the same way !!!!!
   — danabky

November 4, 2003
I would prefer to keep the Q&A Board - I don't always bother to read the main message board, some days it is just too much to keep up with. I always ( or almost always) check the question postings and offer answers or support here if I have anything that would add to someone's ?. I also enjoy reading the latest on vitamin/protein needs from those who know much more than I do.
   — Jean K.

November 4, 2003
Bob, I hope management does not change the Q&As. I like its simplicity and its easy to see all the questions asked for the day and reply to them. The message board is more for chatting and talking of other issues, not really questions. I'd hate for AMOS to muddy the water by combining the two. Please don't...
   — Cindy R.

November 4, 2003
I like the board just like it is. It easy to read the Q&A's and get valuable information. Please do not change it.
   — shbama

November 4, 2003
I really wish people would use the Q&A board instead of the message board for questions. On the Q&A board, a question is asked and then answered. On the MB, there are so many personal conversations going on, I'm afraid the valuable information we get on the Q&A will be lost if they do away with it. I really wish some of the MB people would use e-mail for their personal conversations. Just my five cents..Thanks..MJ
   — Mary Jane C.

November 4, 2003
I like the Q&A board and Message Board separate. I get so much info reading Q&A. But I like the way the new message board is set up. That would be nice to have the Q&A board to be organized the same way.
   — Kara J.

November 4, 2003
The Q & A board is the only board I visit ... several times a day. I sure don't want to lose it. The Message Board is nice, but I like the format here for questions.
   — KelBurt

November 4, 2003
i like it just the way it is. My only concern is that sometimes several times in one day, the same questions are asked over and over. i know there are a lot of newbies but i feel that they will gain a lot of different answers if they will look in the library first. Which i know they are asked to you by the link that always appears. i know people are busy but there is such a variety of answers there. Also, it seems that the q and a board isn't undated but maybe twice or three times a day especially since the new mb came in.
   — Delores S.

November 4, 2003
I love the Q&A board as is. Don't change it.
   — Cosmo K.

November 4, 2003
The Q/A is my favorit place to come everyday, please don't change it
   — Rho

November 4, 2003
I'm fairly new to this web site and love the format. I don't spend much time on the message board but check the Q & A every day - sometimes twice a day. I've learned so much thru Q & A.
   — kathy W.

November 4, 2003
Besides the before and after profiles, the Q&A is what I look forward to! Please don't change it.
   — Happy I.

November 4, 2003
Sorry to posts twice on this. But my local support center has their boards combined like you mentioned, and I hate it. I much prefer your present setup.
   — Cosmo K.

November 4, 2003
I am sure I speak for thousands of people who would like to thank you Bob and ALL the MODS for the q&a board in addition to all the other wonderful sites on this web page.. You all deserve a BIG AMOS HUG. seriously.Thank you all..
   — Kathy S.

November 4, 2003
As a new person on the website, I spent time on line everyday reading the q & A to find answers to all my questions, and ones I had yet to have thought of. I think that it is a quick source of a variety of information for the education of pre ops and post ops alike, and that education is of vital importance to this website.
   — TameraD

November 4, 2003
Totally agree - please don't change a thing! I've learned so much from this Q & A - hope I've been able to provide a few helpful answers myself. Sure, lots of questions get repeated - but we've all been total newbies and had the benefit of so much great advice -it's easy to forget how overwhelming this process can be. I read this every day - not so much the message board. It's great to have options. Love this - not so crazy about the new message board but I'm sure it works great for a lot of people. Bob, are you guys just trying to scare a pound or two off us?
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 4, 2003
Thank you Bob for grabbing our attention.:) I cannot thank you enough, and the rest of the MODS for your work here. Your site has helped me so much and has been such an encouragement to me. And just to add my two cents, (lol) I like it just the way you all have got it set up. THanks a million and God BLess. :)
   — Myrna E.

November 4, 2003
Please, NO. I love the Q&A Postings and can find just about anything I need to know in the library. The only problem is people do not search the library before they post. I never go to the message board but check out the Q&A's daily. I think the setup of this site is what makes it different and better than the others.
   — AmyWollet

November 4, 2003
I like the Q&A and message boards the way they are now.
   — anapple4theteacher

November 4, 2003
Dear Bob, I love the Q&A just like it is. It's great simple and to the point without being confusing. Thanks for asking for our input.
   — Karen Renee

November 4, 2003
Please!!!! If it is not broke do NOT fix it! The Q & A board is wonderful just as it is!
   — y0maria

November 4, 2003
PLEASE don't close this Q & A Section!!! The message board is not sorted by topic and I find it too difficult to navigate-- not enough hours in the day to sort through all of the messages to find ones that are relevant for me.
   — Wendy T.

November 4, 2003
Keep this board as is...PLEASE!!
   — Vicki V.

November 4, 2003
Please dont change the Q&A setup. I agree that it is perfect just the way it is.
   — Sharee *.

November 4, 2003
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I have been to this spot on this website and ONLY this spot - AT LEAST 300 times - literally - in the last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get (and give) some GOOD STUFF!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Don't TOUCH this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
   — Debby M.

November 4, 2003
   — **willow**

November 4, 2003
I want the Q&A to STAY. I for one dont read the message board THAT much; and second; the Message board is 'censored' and posts not approved. Here in Q&A you get 'heard'
   — star .

November 4, 2003
KEEP the Q & A!!!! It's what I have as my homepage! I don't go to the message board unless I have lots of spare time, but I always do Q & A!
   — jen41766

November 4, 2003
please keep it the way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — franbvan

November 4, 2003
   — Saxbyd

November 4, 2003
I never go to the message board. But I go to the Q and A at least once a day. It is my best source of information. Please don't change it. I like it just the way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't fix something if it isn't "broke".
   — cfstevens

November 4, 2003
I have not seen ONE post that would want to change the Q & A board. This is where I go to about 99.9% of the time. If it changed I would looking elsewhere for support on my WLS journey. Please keep it as is. The new message board format is horrible and I don't want to see the q & a go in that direction.
   — gloriafb

November 4, 2003
Please keep it the way it is
   — debmi

November 4, 2003
Here's another vote to keep the Q&A board the way it is. I know many members who only come here (to the Q&A board), and not the message board, because the latter is just too busy and not nearly as focused (even given the threads) as the Q&A board.
   — Suzy C.

November 4, 2003
Please keep it the way it is! The new MB is too hard to read. SP
   — SandyParker

November 4, 2003
I vote keep it the way it is. It is GREAT!!!
   — stacy A.

November 4, 2003
   — terri R.

November 4, 2003
Please don't remove the Q and A. I don't like the message board at all. I never use it, but the Q and A board keeps me visiting every day.
   — thekatinthehat

November 4, 2003
The Q&A Board is my favorite, please keep it the way it is.
   — Joan R.

November 4, 2003
Please keep it the way it is. I don't visit the message board anymore...I don't care for it's format now. So this is the only place I still feel comfortable. Thank you for asking.
   — Sylvia A

November 4, 2003
At two and a half years out I still read the Q&A daily. I vote for keeping it this way. I did take a peek at the new board it looks OK, but I like it this way.
   — Pamela B.

November 4, 2003
Please leave it as is. I used to read the message board several times every day but haven't been back to it once since the format was changed. I know that you guys are trying to make things better and we appreciate all your hard work. Frankly, this old dawg just doesn't have it in her to learn yet another new trick. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep my pantyhose up.
   — Vicki H.

November 4, 2003
Please don't change it. I never have liked the message bored. Another reason is that when I go online at work, I can check the Q&A board because it doesn't have photos and I work on emails all day anyway. What I am trying to say is that I can check the Q&A while I am at my desk without anyone questioning me .I know I shouldn't do that but it breaks the day up for me a bit.
   — Sunshine

November 4, 2003
Gosh. I'm going to be the lone wolf here. With the way the new message board is set up, it's very quick and easy to peruse everything on there, and just click on subjects of interest. I check both the Q&A and the message board every day. Putting it all on one board would simplify my visits, and save me time. Ofte, questions are posted in both places anyway, so it would save on duplication. I vote for combining.
   — Vespa R.

November 4, 2003

November 4, 2003
Please, please keep it this way. I only read the Q & A and find alot of great info from it. Not everything shows up in the library lists.
   — Kimmie H.

November 4, 2003
Yes, please leave the Q&A as is. I'm like the many others who don't have time to wade through the vast amounts of "chat" on the message board. The Q&A is simple, direct, and quick. Please leave the Q&A separate from the message board and as it is. BTW, thank you so very much for asking us how we feel.
   — Shelly S.

November 4, 2003
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave the Q&A Board like it is! I love this format and it's easy for me to know what I've already read over and what I haven't. PLEASE!!!!!
   — Kimberly S.

November 4, 2003
Please leave the Q & A as it is. I am almost a year post-op. I check it regularly to see if I can answer a new post-ops questions (trying to help if I can)and I find answers to my questions before I have to post them. The message board is great for sounding off about your experience, but when you have a question you don't want to read so much to find an answer. I would proably give up before I got the information I wanted. Thanks for a great job.
   — june22

November 4, 2003
I honestly like the Q&A board the way it is. However I wish that the search feature on the library part could be expanded to include more than one word. It is so frustrating to wade thru all the "finds" when they could be streamlined with the ability to add 1 or 2 more words. For example: Southern Kaiser vs Kaiser vs Southern California Kaiser. <BR><BR> Also if only selected "long term" interest posts are taken from the new board (if you do a new board) there is a chance many valid questions and answers will be lost to future readers. I think that may do a dis-service to the group as a whole. There are many things in this journey that are unique to a small number, but those questions/answers are just as important as the ones that get a 100 responses especially to the person who needs the answer now.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 4, 2003
Please keep Q & A board as is!
   — Danes

November 4, 2003
I only go to Q&A. Has only changed a little since the site was born in 1998. I like it this way, too. The msg board intimidates me.
   — vitalady

November 4, 2003
no!!!!! don't take this away! I enjoy reading the Q & A more now than ever since the message board has changed i spend more time here. the message board is turning into a chat room of sorts now , this is needed for those who have questions that are of real concerns not just idle chat. please keep this board the way it is !!!
   — rhondan

November 4, 2003
I think the Q&A should remain seperate...the Main board moves way too fast, and finding current information in the library is almost impossible. Whenever I do a search I get answers from 2001!
   — ~~Stacie~~

November 4, 2003
I don't even go to the message board because I like this setup best. If you remove this, I probably won't read anything at all. :)
   — ladyphy

November 4, 2003
NO NO Please donot remove the board!!!! No way, I love this site and all the great things it has to offer Me<US> I have gained so much information from this site I feel Like an expert.....Please I beg of AMOS MOD....Donot rolled into the new message board, so easy to follow!!! *Ruschell Dawson*
   — Ruschell

November 4, 2003
Please don't take the Q&A away. I like it the way it is. It is the only way I can find out anything. If members don't know you they don't really answer your questions personally. So, if you are new and have a question you can navigate here and find the answer easily. So, please don't roll into one it will be a big mistake.
   — Alanda H.

November 4, 2003
The 300 Question page is my home page. I don't want to see it changed! :)
   — Danmark

November 4, 2003
The way it is set up now, it seems that 'the more serious questions' get asked here, while the day to day info request's and neighborly chats gets done on the reg. msg. board. Each has thier strong points, but it would seem that the more 'serious' questions would be lost if lumped together, besides, things move so fast on the msg. board, in less than a day you can go through 100-200 postings (or more) per day. The q&a section is more sedate and laid back. I also think another 'big change' would be a bit much for the folks who have just gone through the last overhaul - which I love by the way - but too much change in such a short period of time could move people away instead of inviting them in. Just my 2 cents worth.
   — track

November 4, 2003
I like it the way it is now. It is easier to find the questions I have asked and the answers to them. It is an easy place for all of us to go and answer specific questions without the general day to day stuff. Please do NOT change it.
   — horserider0146

November 4, 2003
Please NO NO NO!!! This is the first thing I read in the morning and the last thing before bed. The message board goes to fast for me. I have read every single question here during the past 2 years, without it I probably wouldn't have had surgery. I love the Q & A page. Kim K
   — Kim K.

November 4, 2003
I like it the way it is--I check this ? not the messageboard!
   — who A.

November 4, 2003
Please leave it the way it is!! The new MB is not a nice thing. This is the place for more serious ?'s. I always go here since the MB has changed.
   — Dixie Chick

November 4, 2003
Hi, I have been in here posting for about a year now and am very happy the way you have it set up for us! So, please don't change anything I always come in here and the first thing I do is read the questions and try to help out others too! The message board goes to fast for me too! Thanks!
   — Melodee S.

November 4, 2003
WOW, gone for a few hours look at all the great posts! Now that the masses have apparently voiced their opinion they like things as they are a related question. Presently the questions are moderated. That is each question is approved before being seen. Answers appear unmoderated. We dont approve them in advance, but on rare occasions delete one thats causing a problem. Do you posters like that or would you prefer questions are unmoderated too? Would you like Q&A updated like the new message board is with automatically rembering your user name and password? You posters are helping to set policy here! So thanks again for the great ideas!<P> On behalf of all the mods I want to thank you for the positive comments! With all the changes here its nice to know were appreciated!
   — bob-haller

November 4, 2003
Please keep the Q and A board the way it is. I find the message board too difficult to sort through. I also look at a non WLS related site which had a similar format to the Q and A. It changed to something like the message board here and I have just about given it up. I like the ability to c=scan the questions to see what people are needing assistance with. Thanks for the hard work!!
   — Fixnmyself

November 4, 2003
keep them separate!
   — Jannie N.

November 4, 2003
Please keep the Q & A separated and in the same format that it is now written. The message board has become too "busy" with all the moving icons and activity. I feel it takes away from the point of most messages when I am distracted by these things. I find the Q & A section most helpful, and would miss it greatly if it were changed.
   — mindystarr25

November 4, 2003

November 4, 2003
please keep them seperate, yes sure people do post questions on the message board , but its also for people who just want to vent its short and persise...i come to this section every day!!!!!!!!i love it Hugs Dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

November 4, 2003
Please don't change this format. I think it is much easier to research questions and find the answers this way. The new message board is great, but more difficult to follow if you are looking for specifics. Just my 2 cents...Kalena
   — Kalena B.

November 4, 2003
I LOVE the format of this board. It is easy to read. What would be great is if the "search" function were a little more advanced (to include multiple words and "and" "or" logic) I LOVE this board and looking up archived info.... please KEEP it.
   — w8free

November 4, 2003
Oh, KEEP it like it is!! I like the new message board, but love Q&A, too! :~) Perhaps working on the search functions would make things better?? Good luck in making your decisions. :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

November 4, 2003
I had the same thought while using the message board. But the message board is really for more of a chat and cute, annoying icons. The Q & A is much more serious. If someone is in trouble, they are more apt to get a serious answer, and get it quickly here. I don't think there is a choice if AMOS really wants to help people. The biggie here is making the library actually work.
   — faybay

November 4, 2003
   — Kathy R.

November 4, 2003
Bob - I would like to have the Q&A remain separate. It would be difficult at best to separate the Q&A from the chaff of the chat-type atmosphere of the message board. Frankly, nowadays, I don't have the time to support the message board - just going to the Q&A - because I do support on other forums like Spotlight, SmallerSelf and a WLS Support group on EZBoards, as well as various Yahoogroups that I belong to. <p> I would like to see the log-on remembered for the Q&A though... <p> As far as moderation, I think that there should still be some level of moderation as things sometimes have a tendency to degenerate into a flame war (although there doesn't seem to be as much as that anymore). I have seen complaints by people on other forums that sometimes OH gets a little too gun-ho in moderating tho...JR
   — John Rushton

November 4, 2003
Please keep it as it is. Thanks
   — Kelly B.

November 4, 2003
Keep it separate. It's easy to just look up a question based on the title. It's not that easy to do on the main messageboard. I don't go there because it moves tooooooooo fast. But having this area remember your password would be really nice too. Always logging in gets tiresome. LOL And I also think that unmoderated is the way to go - it seems to me that rarely does an answer get posted that is terribly negative anyway. I love the Q&A section and try to come here every day. :)
   — Cheryl M.

November 4, 2003
KEEP them separate, I find it so useful to use the Q&A, and visit it several times a day. I use the message boards, but Q&A is where I spend 95% of my time when I am on obesityhelp website. Thanks
   — wizz46

November 4, 2003
Bob, thanks to you and your peers for the great work you do!<br> I love that the boards are separate - I visit the Q & A daily but there is no way I could make the time to visit the Message Board. I like to get to the nuts and bolts, and have a great local support system for the stuff I usually see on the MB. The Q & A is great for the tougher stuff.<br> I think "moderation" is a good thing; although I think it is used in interesting ways. I think it would not hurt to see more moderators jump in and "defend" people who are speaking their mind.... when they have been asked for their opinions!<br> Again, thanks for the work you do.
   — kultgirl

November 4, 2003
Please keep the messgae board exactly how it is! Like another poster's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see before I go to bed.
   — Tammy W.

November 4, 2003
Please don't change the QA board. I never visit message boards anywhere because I find them useless and full of topics unrelated to the website. About monitoring, in my opinion, whatever is being done now is working. It's hard to respond to the question of whether to continue to monitor the Qs or not since we don't know what doesn't make it through.
   — Yolanda J.

November 4, 2003
Please keep the Q&A Board exactly the way it is! I read the Q&A Board several times a day, but I don't have time to wade through all that's on the message board.
   — Hackett

November 4, 2003
Don't close the Q&A down! It's such a great resource by itself. The message board has its own purpose and I enjoy it, but when I need to know if others have experienced soemthing, the Q&A archives have been the tops.
   — Susan R.

November 4, 2003
Please keep the Q & A Board the way it is. I too like others visit it several times a day. I don't like the message board but I love the Q & A board it is a true life saver.
   — jimnetta N.

November 4, 2003
Hi, AMOS Moderators/Bob! I love the Q&A, read it religiously - it's a major help. The message board is nice, but not as serious, and can't follow threads well. As far as moderating questions - what kind of questions do you delete, and how often does it need to be done? I think we get away with quite a bit, personally - I can't imagine what the mods are editing out...I LOVE Q&A!!
   — vittycat

November 4, 2003
This is just my 2 cents but I *HATE* the new MB. Its way to hard to follow and I dont have all day to just sit, click and read every post. It was so much nicer to just skim through, I could catch up on a couple days worths of post in just an hour or so. Now I dont even bother to read it any more. But I do read the Q&A everyday. PLEASE keep it the same or I wont have any reason left to visit AMOS. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 125+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

November 4, 2003
I had open rny on July24-03 and since then everyday once or twice i get on the Q&A board it has been a lifesaver. Please don't change it Joan Comer
   — Joan C.

November 4, 2003
Krista. Questions that dont get approved are few. I worked hard to get the rules loosened. People trying to sell stuff, posters asking questions that will get them flamed and hate mail, things like this. Originally repeat questions and members asking about surgeons werent approved, and those got changed. I think its safe to say theywill not meddle much with this board, given the wonderful comments here. BTW I agree. As I told management this is more than a board its a COMMUNITY! One that I am very glad to be a part of. <P>E A GREAT DAY!!!
   — bob-haller

November 4, 2003
I think that the Q&A section needs to REMAIN here. Questions get lost easily in the message board. After an hour, they fall off the first page and no one might see them. Keep this section here. Its useful, helpful and effective. I can kill an hour going over messages from the last few days and I feel secure that if I post a message in the Q&A section that someone will read it and respond. Just my two cents.
   — Renee B.

November 4, 2003
hi, my name is patsy and i am a q/a addict. thank goodness the responses have been overwhelmingly in favor of keeping this format. i would be in q/a anonymous for the rest of my life, recovering from withdrawals if this section was changed.:) patsy in las vegas
   — PATSY N.

November 4, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">The Q&A needs to stay exactly the way it is! Its makes it easy for people to see what questions are being asked and what they might be able to answer. If what goes into the library is up to the MB's something might be missed (not to say anything against the MB's but we are all human and miss things sometimes. <P> Please leave the Q&A section the way it is. <br><I>~~Wendy D, RNY 4/23/03, -117 lbs~~</I></font>
   — Wendy D P.

November 4, 2003
PLEASE CHANGE A THING~! I am an addict to this site and have gotten so much incredible information from reading other peoples questions, as well as posting my own questions! It's perfect the way it is!!!! Susan Stream 9/2/03~down 47 pounds~ (YAY)!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 5, 2003
I agree w/keeping them separate, and it looks as if that will happen .. Bob, I like the idea of unmoderated answers (unless they become disruptive) and having the password "remembered" too .. anything to make it easier. Thanks and keep up the great work.
   — Jeanie

November 5, 2003
Please dont' change a thing. This q&a is my favorite part of this site. Almost everyday I find something that relates to me here and I don't want to deal with a new format. Thanks.
   — Michael H.

November 5, 2003
Do not change a thing. It is easy to navigate through the current Q & A's.
   — C. Burns

November 5, 2003
Please leave the q/a alone. I don't like the new message board so now the questions are the only part of the site I visit.
   — Frances B.

November 5, 2003
I LOVE THE NEW BOARD!!!! It's like most of the boards these days!!!! CHANGE IT CHANGE IT CHANGE IT!!!! Thanks! Angela - rny 08/01 - 185lbs
   — Angela L.

November 5, 2003
While I enjoy the message board, my favorite section is the Q & A. I'd really hate to lose it. Just my biased opinion:) Nancy
   — nancysho

November 5, 2003
I prefer that the Q&A board be kept seperate from the other board. It provides a much more concise method to getting help when you need it. I give Q&A my priority when I am online and the other board is when I have time for it because it is a board with many conversations going on. I like the conversations and the ability to get to know people, but I feel Q&A is so important it MUST be kept seperate from the other.
   — Arizona_Sun

November 5, 2003
I prefer the Q&A be kept seperate.....
   — nani68

November 5, 2003
I stopped reading the other boards. This Q & A section is a life saver. Please Please do not take it away!
   — Stacy E.

November 5, 2003
I love the Q and A board the way it is. This is the only section I read daily and I did so before the message board format was changed. This section is my favorite section of OH and I really hope you don't change a thing. That's my vote :).
   — Carrie D.

November 5, 2003
Please dont change this board, I dont like the new set up of the other one and very seldom read it anymore, I love coming to the Q & A board, there is just so much information here, and as for the questions that come up over and over, well I was new here once and found those old questions very intresting, there is new people on here every day and to those who are not familiar with the site it can be a little intimadating at first trying to figure everything out, at least having the Q & A as it is leaves it very simple to keep up with all the intresting topics. thank you Sue
   — LS F.

November 5, 2003
Please LEAVE it ON!!!!!!! At almost two years post-op, I am not crazy about the new message board,so at least twice a day I check on the Q&A board!! I love it, so please DON'T take it away!! thanks
   — T. 263

November 5, 2003
Please don't change the Q&A board. I NEVER go to the "new and improved" message board. I wish it would go back to the way it was. I bet a lot of people would agree. New and improved doesn't always mean better. Thanks.
   — Doose

November 5, 2003
For those of you who appear unhappy with the new MB, just what bugs you about it? Is it the lack of moderation? If thats the issue would you like having two seperate MBs? One just like it is, kinda anything goes and a seperate moderated one? Management will be interested in your input on this, thanks.
   — bob-haller

November 5, 2003
I love the Q & A format. Ihave learned so much and it's easier to look at the questions that pertain to me and my interests than on the message board. Its just a whole different feel. I would like things to remain as they are. Thank you
   — MissKimberly

November 5, 2003
Oh PLEASE don't let them close the Q&A Board... It is my favorie part of AMOS. I love it. I always go to it to see whats on everyones minds. I like that it is mixed up with lots of different kinds of posts, even if it my be a subject ou an look up in the library. I think if you automatically send some posts to the library thy won't get as many answers. Sometimes I like to re-read about the stuff posted just for a reminder. I would not think to look up questions in the library unless it was a specific question I had for myself. You know sometimes a person is interested in topics that they did not even realize intested them. Anyway, please SAVE the Q&A board.. Thanks!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 5, 2003
while I enjoy the message board occassionally... I really enjoy the Q&A board. I really do learn quite a bit from this section of the site. Please do not do away with this tool. Thanks
   — teresa M.

November 5, 2003
I would prefer to KEEP the Q&A board, for my 2cents!! God bless!
   — Amy G.

November 6, 2003
I would like you to keep the Q&A board the way it is. I love it!! I don't check the main board often but I do check Q&A several times a day. PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT BECOME EXTINCT !!!
   — vllgmz4

November 6, 2003
I don't want to see the Q&A closed, but there IS one change I'd like to see made. Is it possible to set things up so that I can log in ONCE, tell the system to remember me, and not have to register every single time I want to post a reply? That's getting pretty old, IMHO. (*grin*)
   — MsBatt

November 6, 2003
I think they should be kept separate. I really like this Q&A board the way it is. I don't spend that much time on the message board.
   — Carlita

November 6, 2003
I have only gone to the other board once. Keep this one. It is an invaluable resource. I travel here often. Thanks.
   — Elizabeth O.

November 6, 2003
I really want the Q & A board to stay!! I dont have as much time any more and I value the advice given here!! Please dont change it!
   — Leslie N.

November 6, 2003
though I occasionally answer questions or offer support on the main MB, if the Q&A were to vanish tomorrow, odds are high I'd likely not float around here much. Here in the Q&A I don't have to wonder if it's a question because 99.9% of the posts ARE a Question...whereas with the message board you get a mish-mosh of everything. Please do NOT remove the Q&A!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 10, 2003
Aside from reading member profile's, this is what keep's me coming back to AMOS. Leave Q&A is a good resource.
   — Shayla527

November 10, 2003
I'm almost two years out and I read this sucker every day. Keep it please!
   — Goldilauxx B.

November 10, 2003
   — Joyce C.

November 10, 2003
I personally wonder why people ask questions on the MB that should be placed here. I think that AMOS should do a better job of promoting the Q&A section rather than getting rid of it. That would serve the membership better, in my opinion.

November 10, 2003
I am a pre-op and visit this board religiously every day to read questions and concerns of others who are further along in their journey than me. I rarely read the message board because in my opinion it is more chat and congrats than hard core advice. Please keep this board - it's a lifeline for this community!
   — Amelia L.

November 10, 2003
This is about the only part of AMOS I use.
   — Cathy S.

November 10, 2003
Please keep the Q & A just as it is. It is so helpful an beneficial.
   — Binky S.

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