Anyone quit smoking post rny and not gained?

Yea, I know I should have done this before but I didnt. Im one year out from RNY and have quit smoking. The worrying about quitting for the past couple weeks was just as bad as the quit itself (im on day 5--yippee)but ive already gained 2 pounds and am so TERRIFIED. Has anyone quit smoking and not gained????? Thanks for listening to my whining once again!! Marilayne    — Marilayne M. (posted on November 1, 2003)

November 2, 2003
Hi Marilayne, I quit smoking august 16th, that was the last day I had one. Egads! lol, havent had my surgery yet but have the approval from insurance and am just waiting on a date now. I think if you just keep on track with the way you lost the weight you will do ok hun. Good luck Lots of hugs Penny
   — Penny~ L.

November 2, 2003
Maybe you should try the patch or nicorette gum just to help get you through this rough period.
   — Christine S.

November 2, 2003
I wish I could say that I didn't gain when I quit!! I quit on 2/19/03, my surgery is on 11/19/03. I have gained over forty pounds since I quit! Thank Goodness I quit before I had the surgery. I used the patch and suckers and substituted eating for smoking! Try sugar free suckers and think of something to do to keep your hands occupied!! Best of luck!
   — y0maria

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