Does anyone's face ever tingle?

Hi everyone...I had LAP RNY 8/7/02 and have lost 162 lbs, and everything is great, but lately I have noticed that sometimes my face will start to tingle, just like as if it went numb. It doesn't happen to any other part of my body, just my face. Anyone ever have this happen? Thanks everyone!    — fropunka (posted on October 31, 2003)

October 31, 2003
Please see your doctor. <br> I had this problem (totally unrelated to WLS) and it was caused by microstrokes. I told my neurologist about the tingling when I went for a check up related to my sleep apnea. She ran test and found the "white spots" on my brain from the microstrokes. Your problem may be something else entirely, but please be safe and get it checked.
   — Linda S.

November 1, 2003
Yes, I agree with Linda...go see your doctor. My BF just had this problem, but he had the numbness and tinglies on 1 side of his body. Stokes are the first scary thought, but it turned out to be something like a small vein disease, where some veins just shrivel up and die. It's not life threatening, but they put him on major blood thinners to make sure there were no clots, and he's doing very well now. He still gets the tinglies in his feet, but the doc said if he ever gets them in his lip again, to call him immediately. Don't fool around with's probably fine, but better safe than sorry.
   — Leslie F.

November 1, 2003
It's important that you talk to your doctor about this, but let me offer another thing to think about. I was having numbing and tingling in my face pre-op and it turned out to be a B-12 deficiency. After that was corrected, I had no further problems.
   — Cathy S.

November 2, 2003
Holy heck! My face did that when my potassium bottomed out dangerously low and I had to get it by IV! Read my profile for my symptons. GET A BLOOD TEST NOW, just in case. Low potassium is VERY dangerous.
   — Danmark

November 3, 2003
Thanks everyone for your responses, I'm gonna go get checked!!
   — fropunka

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