Could anyone please tell me the correct spelling for..... intubated

For those of you who have already had either open or lab did your doctor suggest that you wear a medical id bracelet alerting to not be "Intabated"? Now that is the BIG problem I am having I don't know if that is the correct word and if it is correct spelling could you help anyone? Thank you so much for everyones help!!    — Michele H. (posted on October 25, 2003)

October 25, 2003
You would put "NO NG TUBE...GASTRIC BYPASS" This would alert the EMT's to the fact you've have the surgery and that they need to use special caution if they need to know, shove that tube down your throat! LOL I can't spell it either.
   — Renee B.

October 25, 2003
Two different tubes going two different places - RNY post op should say "No blind NG tube insertion". This is a tube that is inserted through the nose or the mouth down the esophagus into the stomach. A traumatic NG insertion could perforate the pouch. An endotracheal tube is inserted into the mouth (usually) and down the trachea to help you breathe. (This is called intubation). There is no problem with being intubated with an endotracheal tube after RNY. It is too short to reach the stomach, but can save you life if must have one so you can breathe.
   — koogy

October 25, 2003
   — Delores S.

October 25, 2003
Intubation and an NG (Nasal Gastric) tube are 2 different procedures. When you are intubated, an ET (EndoTracheal) tube is placed into your trachea which leads to your lungs. EMS personel perform field intubations as a emergency life saving procedure. A NG tube is placed into the esphoagus leading to your stomach to remove gastric contents. This is what you should have placed on your Medic Alert tag to alert Medical Personel about your gastric bypass.
   — emtp435

October 25, 2003
Since engraving can get expensive, the shorter the better. Simply put....."No NG without scope; No NSAIDS; Hx Gastric Bypass". Hope this helps! Any medical personnel will know this means that they can't place an NG-tube without using an endoscope for visualization, that you can not have any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, and that you have a history of having Gastric Bypass surgery.
   — Lynette B.

October 26, 2003
MedicAlert provides many if not most of the medical alert bracelets and necklaces used by folks who have medical emergency issues. Go their website at: or call them at: 888-633-4298 and tell them simply that you have had gastric bypass surgery. They have all the right language for your medallion and will make sure that you get it right. They have a very nice choice of styles too. When you get your bracelet you also get a card for your wallet that emergency providers can use to contact MedicAlert, who will then provide your family, friends, and medical contact information. Good luck!!! - Deborah (open RNY 10/25/03)
   — Deborah M.

October 26, 2003
mine says "gastric bypass No NG"
   — Katrina K.

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