Has anyone had complications due to an endoscopy?

I have a friend who had her 6th endoscopy procedure but when they did it this time they caused a big hole. She was hospitalized for 4 days... she swelled up and was in a lot of pain. I've never heard of this happening before. She was also hospitalized once for having an air pocket??? Have no idea what this is either. Any responses will be appreciated.    — Tonda (posted on October 21, 2003)

October 21, 2003
Happened to me! No one had any idea either until a week later when my WLS surgeon read the report. He read it right in front of me and to see his reaction was incredible. He was so mad. Funny thing is, he knew of my surgery and did it intentionally. Said so in the report, that he wanted to see what was on the other side so he worked his way thru the staples. Sad. Anyhow, I wasnt hospitalized or anythihg. I did have to have new staples put it, not really because I could eat so much more, but because I had an ulcer at the time and it was allowing so much acid over to the pouch and inturn was burning the hell outa my ulcer.
   — RebeccaP

October 21, 2003
I had nothing but GAS GAS GAS, I thought my stomach was going to explode with my endoscope...bring some gas x!
   — Sarah J.

October 21, 2003
Rebecca: That's outrageous! You or your doctor or both should write to the medical board and report the guy who did that during the endoscope. That put your life at risk for heaven sakes. He's lucky you didn't sue him for malpractic. Glad you're ok now. S
   — sherry hedgecock

October 22, 2003
We did contact the medical board at the hosptal where he practiced explaining the situation and our displeasure with the situation. We also considered suing for malpractice, but honestly it didnt kill me and I had to have surgery to remove the ulcer anyway. I am of a firm opinion that too many people in this country are legal action happy, I didnt want to be another of them. Now, had I been hospitalized as a direct result of his actions...oh hell ya! But all is well now. :)
   — RebeccaP

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