How did you handle really small kids after having Open RNY? At surgery,

my kids will be almost 3 & 2, and wondering how you were able to handle the diapering, lifting, picking up a million toys, and them just pawing you~climbing on you. My husband will be off for 2 wks and will be able handle everything during that time, but should I be concerned after that? How did you feel by the third week and was your routine back to some normalcy? Thanks for your sharing your experience!    — SJWendy (posted on October 21, 2003)

October 20, 2003
HI as a mom with a 9 month old, i was blessed to stya with a family that is helping. she is a post op and has been very very adiment about how important u should listen to your surgeon, hernieas and other things can cause painful u have anyone that can help u during your recovery lifting anything past 10 pounds...try to get your kids to help in picking stuff up. beding over all the time can cause day care an option just for a few weeks. Hugs Dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

October 20, 2003
Hi there! Do you have any family nearby that might be able to help you with taking care of the kids until you recover? I had my open RNY January of this year. My kids are a little older (they were 5 and 7 at the time) but I have a daughter that just loves to cling to her mommy! Anyway when I had my surgery my kids went to stay over at my folks house and they took the kids to school and took care of them for the first week since my husband had to work. They came back after the first week but since I still couldnt drive for another week my dad came over to take them to school. After the third week things were a lot better, I wasnt as sore and I could help the kids more. Good Luck! I know its hard to take care of kids after surgery.
   — Kris T.

October 21, 2003
That was one of my biggest concerns too. I have two daughters and at the time of my surgery (in August 2003) they were 1 yr. and 2 yrs old. If your hubby is staying home for two weeks to handle things with the kids...that is fabulous! My surgeon didn't place any restrictions on me, he just said if it hurts or is uncomfortable...don't do it. Well, I was able to hold my girls the day after surgery when they came to visit me in the hospital. Someone lifted them on to my lap and all was fine. I didn't really lift them for about 8 days following surgery. It was a bit longer, maybe two weeks until I was able to reach to lay my youngest into her crib (my incision is horizontal and it hurt to try to reach over the side of the crib to lay her down). By about day 12 I was taking care of the diapering, bathing, etc. again. I am 10 weeks out at this point and have not had any complications. I had a very positive attitude going into surgery and had the goal in my mind of being up and doing as much as possible as soon as possible...especially my Mommy duties since they are what I really enjoy. I was back to work at three weeks post-op. Open RNY 08/11/03 down 53 lbs.
   — Kamy

October 21, 2003
My son is 15 months, I had open RNY 4 weeks ago today. We live several hours from our family. Luckily, my Mom was able to stay with us for a week, and my aunt most of the second week. They were physically the hardest weeks for me and it was comforting to have loved ones here to help me as well as my son. We knew that I would still not be able to lift him for four weeks, so we ran an add and had to hire someone to be what we called a "Mother's helper." I am able to move more around the house now, although I've had a bit of a set back with an incsional infection. The girl we hired is young, and we are able to pay her off the books so it was a little easier on the budget. She does all the lifting and diapering. I still play, go for walks, make meals, etc. but NO LIFTING. You don't want to take chances with a hernia or staple disruption. Now is the time you need to be a bit selfish and take care of you. Good luck and God bless.
   — Rachel R.

October 21, 2003
Wendy - I think the 2 weeks your husband is there should cover you. My kids were 3 yrs old and a 4 month old. I was on my own with them during the day exactly one week after surgery! Those first few days, we watched a little extra TV, didn't rush to get out of our PJ's, and meals were whatever was easiest and in reach! It was actually a "fun time" for my 3 year old. As for not pawing me... I showed her my big bandage, told her Mommy has a big boo-boo and asked her to help me take care of it. She loved helping Mommy and told me about 20 times an hour to be careful!! I never would have dreamed to show her my bandage, but a nurse friend told me that at that age, kids really do respond to wanting to "help"!! In the afternoon, a neighbor girl came over to play with the kids and helped me out a bit. My feeling is that because I was in a position that I had to care for my kids... I made myself better faster!!! Best of luck to you... you'll do fine!!
   — teresa M.

October 21, 2003
Thanks ladies for your responses~all your ideas were wonderful, and I appreciate it. My biggest concern is caring for them and I know I will have to recover to do that, so I think I will put an ad in the local newspaper for a "mother's helper" for a few hours a day for the diapering & lifting. (thanks for that tip). I'm terrified of opening my incision or hernia & I'm still at least 3-4 months away from surgery! Congratulations to you all on your successful journeys!
   — SJWendy

October 22, 2003
I had my surgery on June 24. I have a 2yr old and she is only 25 pounds. My Dr. told me that I would need to wait for at least two weeks. When I went for my 2 week check up, my husband and I took her with us. I asked my Dr. when I would be able to pick her up and he said that I should be fine to pick up on her then. So, after 2 weeks I begin picking her up, and haven't had any problems. -69 pounds.
   — Angela M.

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