What exactly does loose skin look like?

I know this may sound dumb, but I would like to know. I thought loose skin would be just that loose skin. Like a wrinkle on a large scale. I have lose about 150 lbs. My body is like Jello. It jingles and flaps. I am thinking about plastic surgery maybe, but I am not sure I have loose skin or just jello filled skin. How do you tell the difference between loose skin and flab?    — june22 (posted on October 14, 2003)

October 14, 2003
   — Marrilee M.

October 14, 2003
I have loose skin filled with some fat yet but it will all go away with PS. Some will never get down to just skin. I know I have no intention of getting that low in weight that there is little to no fat in the skin. Besides I think it would be even more difficult to deal with.
   — zoedogcbr

October 14, 2003
My skin is crepy and hangs down. A Plastic Surgeon can tell you if it's fat and/or loose skin. Your bound to have a little bit of both.
   — Patty H.

October 14, 2003
I'll be 50 next May and I've lost 117lbs. My skin is doing pretty well, wrinkly near my arm pits. I've been working out for the last four months and that really helps alot. Before I started my exercize program my belly and thighs were terrible. I need a tummy tuck later.
   — debmi

October 15, 2003
If I hold up my left and right arm, a large area sags between my shoulder and elbow. It's loose skin. I know this because when I pinch it, there is no muscle in it - I have wings :-)
   — M B.

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