5 days post op and having bloody stools

Has anyone had bloody stools within first few days after lap RNY? What was the outcome?    — Tanya C. (posted on September 27, 2003)

September 27, 2003
I didnt have lap, but I did have Open RNY. I had bloody stools for the first 5-6 days. The apparent reason was a blood vessel was knicked somewhere at the new hook-ups or something. They checked my blood levels in the hospital everyday to make sure my hematocrit didnt drop anymore. All was well, and it stopped before I left he hospital.
   — Dawn E.

September 27, 2003
I would encourage you to call your doctor immediately. That could be a sign of a bleeding vein or artery. I hope all is well. Don't mean to scare you, but as a nurse, this could be serious. Let you doctor know. That is what you paid him for. Good luck and God Bless
   — Nancy R.

September 27, 2003
I had bloody stool for the 4 days I was in the hospital. they stopped giving me the blood thinner after the first day because they determined that was the cause. By the time I got home it stopped. I was petrified but my Doctor was there everyday checking. See your Doctor and make sure he checks you out thoroughly as mine did. Good luck
   — Erica S.

September 28, 2003
I had bloody stools for several days when I came home from the hospital. I called my doctor because I was very worried, he started me on Zantac and it stopped almost immediately.
   — Kendell C.

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