I am worried about complications

I had not really worried at all before now, but since surgery is only days away tuesday September 30th. I am getting really worried about the surgery and possiblity of death or complications and not being able to take care of my family and be thier for my kids. Which are the same reasons why I decided to do the surgery. Just need some advise and support.    — brnballew (posted on September 26, 2003)

September 25, 2003
Your concerns are common and frankly, we should all be aware of the risks before going into any surgery. One way to minimize the risks is to know that you have chosen a competent doctor, have had a good pre-op exam, and taken steps towards minimizing any risk factors that you might have (i.e. quit smoking, etc.). Although we know that there can be complications and even fatalities at times, this website shows thousands of people that have successfully made it. Personally, I felt that the risk of me not having the surgery were greater than the risks that having the surgery posed. I am now almost 8 months out and haven't had to take diabetes medication since my surgery. My energy, stamina for life and confidence have all increased 10-fold and there is no doubt in my mind that I've done the right thing. I'm sure that you'll be fine and writing the same type of comments to other pre-ops in a few months. Good luck and my prayers are with you for a safe and speedy recovery!
   — Judy R.

September 25, 2003
Your worries are normal. WLS is a big step!! Just to ease your mind - the death ratio is only about 1%. Complications can happen with any surgery but you will be fine if you follow what your doctor tells you. Healthy patients usually have very few if any. Just take a deep breath and know you are doing the right thing. In the long run you will be healthier than you have ever been!! I am 2/12 months postop, down 49lbs, and feel better everyday! Keep you eye on the prize!! My prayers are with you. May God be with you and your family at this exciting time!
   — laurab

September 25, 2003
Hi Brenda, I was the same way. I even updated my will. Hang in there!! Remember to walk after surgery. If the nurses are too busy, page them and remind them you need to walk. Remember that the majority of us go through this journey safely and make it to the losing side. My best wishes for you -
   — M B.

September 26, 2003
I was so nervous and scared that I was crying on the way to the operating room! The nurses were so kind, and gave me hugs and reassured me. I was actually more nervous and scared about not being around for my 1 and 1/2 year old son than for myself! I think another thing that should be mentioned here is that it is also completely normal after the surgery to feel like, "What did I do to myself?" Not everyone does, but for some reason, I had major regret for about 4 days after the surgery. Now, of course, it is the best thing that I could have ever done for myself - I am so much more happy and healthy. But don't feel abnormal if you start asking yourself, "Why did I do this?" because you will know very soon why you did it - to be healthy.
   — raye

September 26, 2003
As someone who has experienced some complications....I think that it is important to realize that there is a chance of having complications even if it is a small one.Before surgery I got to the point that I wanted and needed the surgery so bad that I was willing to risk it, even if was to get a complication.I still don't regret having the surgery and I would do it again in a second. =)
   — jennifer A.

September 26, 2003
What would I do IF I weren't afraid? That is what I asked myself any time stress/emotions take over. The answer is always have the surgery. Being nervous is pretty normal, but focus on the questions, your desire to be healthy, your desire to be in control. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 26, 2003
I think we all have fear, I was amazed though that on the morning of surgery, I was so at peace, I had no fear, I had done my research and knew that it had to be done. For me, I knew that I mentally (and physically) could not go through one more DIET and fail. The fear of failure does still loom at the back of my head, but the difference this time is that I listen to my body now. This tool has taught me that NOTHING is off limits, it is all a choice. I can choose to drink milk or water. I feel much better if I avoid the milk and drink my water, so I drink the water, BUT I always have that choice. Don't limit anything, just figure out new ways to enjoy your old favorites. The day I made the decision to have this surgery, I decided then and there that this is for a lifetime, and of course there are some complications that can happen, but I reasoned that with the fact that if I waited, then the odds of complications arising would only increase. Take care of you, mentally prepare for the surgery, and prepare your family for the days that you will just be to tired to do much. Things will change for a while, but if you all work together, it should be a smooth transition. None of us know when it will be our time, and I plan on enjoying every minute I can, you may want to convey your concerns to your spouse, just so you can verbally talk about it. My focus was that I was still somewhat healthy, (I had sleep apnea and a few minor problems) so it was best to take care of it sooner than later. I will keep you in my prayers.
   — Dana B.

September 26, 2003
Everyone has fears, but I think jennifer M. is right on the money about complications. It is possible to have major ones, I've known people who've had them. You need to be at the place where you can say that even if you end up with complications, you've still made the right decision.
   — mom2jtx3

September 26, 2003
It is funny because I wasn't worried at all until I got a surgery date. Now I find myself with a sick tummy and headaches from worring so much. I am only 23 and I am no where near ready to die. I guess what makes it so hard for me is that I know that I wont die if I don't have the surgery...I mean sure I wont live as long as I could but I have no MAJOR health issues. The only thing that actually makes me feel better is this website hearing peoples stories and how wonderful thier lives are now. I don't want to live forever but I do want to enjoy what life I have. I hope this makes does to me. Good Luck and God be with you for a speedy recovery. Think POSITIVE and nothing can stop US!!!
   — Sabrina Plunkett

September 27, 2003
Hi, I am having same feelings and lots of thoughts, I also am having WLS on sept. 30.... I have made myself a wreck, yo until this past few days I was ready and calm, now all I do is scratch, I have to force myself not to scratch my stomach mostly, just rub lotion on it constantly. The palms of my hands are bad too. But I have studyed and read and asked and listened, I figure it will hit me hardest when entering the operating room, but I am trying hard to get back on focus, every thing we do is a risk, and most of them are well worth it afterwards, WLS is on top of that list for all of us. Best of luck and a speedy recovery for us all. Patricia 9-30-03 314/290? still hopeful!!
   — pateblkbrn

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