Are you a slow loser and interested in sharing with others like yourself?

I am a slow loser and have been having a terrible time dealing with it. I am 8 1/2 weeks out and have lost 28lbs. I have been reading some questions/posts about slow weightloss and now realize that although we are the minority here, there are others who are experiencing slow weight loss. It is hard for me to read about those who have lost 3 or 4 times more than I have and in less time. Even though I am happy for them it is difficult. Is there anyone who would be interested in a support group for slow losers or anyone who is interested in just keeping in touch with me to keep each other encouraged, or is there a group like this already that you know of?    — Sweet N. (posted on September 23, 2003)

September 23, 2003
I too am a slow loser. I'm 6 weeks post-op and down 30.5 lbs. I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me I should be eating more protein, less fat, smaller bites, and exercising more. (I walk a mile a day and take line dancing lessons for fun twice a week.) He also said I should be getting 8 glasses of water a day which I find to be very difficult. He left me feeling very ashamed of myself. So now I'm taking a look at my habits and getting back to basics. I thought there was no way I could not lose weight with as little as I was eating. Apparently I was wrong. Well we'll see anyway. Right there with ya! By the way, I am 5'4 and started out at 278 1/2. Lap RNY.
   — Rhonda B.

September 23, 2003
Hi there I'm a slow loser to and also feel the fusterated, because everyone around me has lost twice as fast. I had surgery 4/7/2003 and have lost 54lbs I still have 88 more pounds to lose to reach my goal of 150lbs. My email addy is [email protected] if you want to keep in contact. Donna
   — twins2cool

September 23, 2003
Over at yahoo groups, look up OSSG, there is a group for slow losers, though I haven't visited so don't know how active it is. Support groups are great and I encourage you to pursue one, but one word of advise from someone 19 mo post-op, slow is in the eyes of the beholder. To some if they haven't lost 100 pounds in just a few months they consider themselves failures. Very unrealistic and those that do lose fast are in the minority, not you! There are many post-ops that just lose slow and steady but at the end of the day (or year in this case) they still get where they are going! Don't fret and try to enjoy the ride, life is stressful enough without adding how fast you are losing to the mix.
   — Cindy R.

September 23, 2003
For what it's worth, at 16 months post-op, I also do not perceive you (or the other posters) to be a "slow loser." I think ten pounds a month or so is pretty average for somebody with BMI in the 40s, but that's just my perception.
   — Suzy C.

September 26, 2003
YES! I'm a slow loser too! I have lost 21 lbs in 7 weeks. I do what my dietician and Surgeon tells me. Plus with a thyroid condition it makes it harder. Just this last week I added more exercize and upped my calories to 900. I lost 4 lbs this last week. Hoping it continues. It's so depressing to read of others who loose 5 to 14 lbs a week. While your scale just sits there. My thoughts are with you.
   — cinchouli

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