Has anyone postop had low b-12 levels and then developed neurological problems?

I am looking into whether or not anyone here who is post op went through a period of low b-12 levels-where you had to increase the number of injections you were receiving and then developed neurological problems later. The reason I'm asking is during the Fall of 2002 my b-12 level dropped really low, had to get b-12 injections bi-weekly for 6 weeks to bring level up to "normal". We all know how important b-12 is to the well bring of our neurological well being. In December I was diagnosed with Transverse Myletitis, which is an inflamation of the spinal cord, and am being to do some research to see if there is any relationship in the 2 happening. Anyone with any type of neurological problems post op-please respond. Thanks.    — Elaine R. (posted on September 17, 2003)

November 4, 2003
I have recently developed foot drop. Two neurosurgeons told me it was from losing (100#! yippee) (April 7, 2003, RNY) fat and crossing my legs. Has anyone else ever heard of this? I think they were just looking for something discouraging to say to me!!! If you know of someone who has similar problems, please let me know! Thanks and blessings to you...
   — Jennifer J.

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