I am a chronic pain pt. on many narcotics due to multiple car accidents.

My surgeon will not operate until I get off all my medication. This is unrealistic, as i will not be able to function off the meds. Does anyone else have chronic pain? has anyone found a surgeon that would operate with this diagnosos?    — Karel (posted on September 11, 2003)

September 11, 2003
Karel, have you tried more than just the one surgeon?? My feeling is that most doctors don't honestly understand chronic severe pain management. Have you ever been treated by specifically a pain management doctor? If not, maybe now would be a good time and get one involved with the process. If you can prove medical necessity by a specialist perhaps you'd find a surgeon more willing to work with you. But still I'd try another surgeon or so and see if maybe this one just has a major hang up. My guess is that 1) either they are worried about trying to manage your pain as a post op since they'd be pushing your pain threshold further or 2) they assume you're a narcotic addict who is good at using their situation to stay on narcotics legally. I think if you had a specialist for pain management it would change their view on both accounts. (MO)
   — Shelly S.

September 12, 2003
Wow, I am so sorry! I guess I would recommend starting with a clinic group in your region that specializes in pain management and arrange for a work-up. There are many alternatives to narcotics and there may be valuable help and information for your there. Second (and third) opinions are always good. Most major hospitals have pain clinics and specialists, and insurance always covers this. All blessings to you!
   — Deborah M.

September 12, 2003
Karel, What a difficult position for you to be placed in! I had to stop taking all my medication for the 7 days preceeding my upper endoscopy and I was miserable. I do have a lot of pain, but suspect yours is much worse. You didn't mention how long you had to be off of it before he would operate. Is there any chance you could do it and just suffer? I don't mean to sound harsh, but it sounds like you are so close! Also, another concern is after the WLS. There are so many medications that you can no longer take, have you checked to see if you could resume taking what helps you afterwards? I wish you luck in your mission! Angela
   — Angela T.

September 12, 2003
Karel, your profile doesn't say which type of surgery you want. Since Dr Herron does DS (and I love the DS), let me point you to for a list of all the many DS surgeons in the NY area. What an awful situation for you! I hope you can find someone soon.
   — Chris T.

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