Anyone have upper abd. pain 2 yrs. post op?

My Dr. is stumped. (all tests came back negative) Also having nausea. Help!    — Jenny W. (posted on September 10, 2003)

September 10, 2003
Does it come and go, or is it constant? I've been having pain from esophageal spasms at 2 years post op. It's only happened a couple of times. You can also have sludge from your gallbladder that doesn't show up on the ultrasound, but still causes problems.
   — mom2jtx3

September 10, 2003
Hi Jenny, I was just getting ready to post a question similer to this. I have been having terrible pain for 6 weeks now. I am almost 17 months post op now. I had to go to the E.R. about 3 weeks ago because I couldn't take the pain anymore and I have been on liquid and pureed foods since then. I have lost another 10 pounds past my goal weight. When I first got the pain, it was occasional (just when I ate). Then it got worse and started to be all the time when I ate and some times at other times. Then it was almost all the time. It became unbearable. It is in my upper stomach just below my rib cage. I feel like someone is squeezing then letting go then sqeezing then letting go etc. I also have nausea with it. I had all kinds of tests run. I had a barium swallow done and they felt that my "stoma" had gotten too small and the food and liquids probably couldn't get out and that was what was causing the pain, so they did an endoscope and stretched the stoma. I had no food or liquids in the hospital so the pain had gone away some but as soon as I started back on the liquids the pain came right back. I was refered to a gastroenterologist(sp). He said that he can not think of anything else that it could be (like your Dr. said) and he wants to go back in and stretch my stoma again. I don't know if I want that done because I am scared to death that it will get stretched too much. I don't know if this is anything like your pain Jenny but I was so relieved to hear someone else who is having pain that the Dr can't find out what is wrong. (Not that I want you to be in pain and not know what is wrong, I just was begining to feel like I was crazy!) Linda B. What is the "sludge" from the gall bladder you were talking about and what kind of problems can it cause? Jenny, I hope you soon start to feel better and they can find out what is wrong. Keep me updated as to your progress!! Take care Cheryl
   — cdiss

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