What steps do I need to take to get this surgery reversed?

I was happier before I had the OPEN RNY surgery. I am not happy at all now. I am 3 1/2 weeks post-op. I NEED HELP!!!    — Pam W. (posted on September 6, 2003)

September 6, 2003
It's very difficult to get a reversal unless there is a life-threatening problem. I've heard of it, but it's very rare. Have you talked to your surgeon regarding your feelings. The first 3-4 months of any RNY surgery are kinda tough because you're trying to adjust to a whole new lifestyle and your body and your hormones are in an uproar for a while. I would encourage you to talk to someone and give it some time. At 3 1/2 weeks post-op you aren't anywhere near healed yet. Take care!
   — Cathy S.

September 6, 2003
Dear Pam~ I read your post and you sound worried, frustrated and anxious. I see you are only 3.5 weeks out. I'm sure you’re uncomfortable especially having an open procedure. Please try to relax and know it gets better. You will forget the pain and if this is regarding certain foods that too will be changing for you in a short time. I am 3.5 months out from a LAP RNY and it's getting so good for me. I can eat normal, just small and I know I am healthier now then before in just the fact that I am aware of the protein and vitamins my body require. Please hang in there for let's say 6 months, and then if you're still miserable seek out a surgeon who can help you. Good luck, it’s not an easy journey but it so worth it.
   — Maggie M.

September 6, 2003
dear, dear Pam. We have all been where you are. especially that early out. That is the "what have I done to myself" phase. Trust us all. It does get better. Much better. In three months you will be so glad you had surgery.
   — Delores S.

September 6, 2003
oh my i know exactly how you feel. i also had open rny and i think i cried everyday for the first 6 weeks. im not kidding, talk about depressed i could not even imagine i was going to feel that bad. im now 10 weeks out and feeling much better, im eating really anything i want, still scared though in the back of my mind of trying regular foods. im on my anti depressent liquid paxil and i thank god for it. you go thru so many changes and trust us when we tell you it wont always be this way. i have lost 55 pounds, and its so nice but some times i wish i was my old self but it does get better, hang in there and if it is bad dont wait to get help for your feelings. sometimes people have to go on anti depressants for awhile until they feel better about things that have changed. feel free to email me anytime if you have questions. shelly poe
   — shellypoe

September 6, 2003
Hello Pam, For the first six weeks after my surgery, I had so many emotions including regret for having this surgery. But as my clothing get looser and I don't spend as many moments over the toilet, I am a lot more positive. I am still amprehensive about recomending the surgery to anyone that isn't facing life threatening illnesses, as this surgery ain't no joke. When they tell you it's life changing they really mean LIFE CHANGING. I have to tell you, I am mostly positive about the surgery and I can tell you that it does get better over time. I am so grateful that my blood pressure has dropped to a point where I no longer have to take bp meds and I can walk farther than I could have for many months pre-op. Hang in there, you will see a brighter day, three weeks is so early to make up your mind. Rosa
   — Rosa F.

September 6, 2003
Pam, I know how you feel, it does get better!! I tell pre-ops that the first 3 months are the worst for 3 reasons, 1. you are in pain 2. you can't turn to the one thing you have always turned to when you are upset (food) and 3. your butt is still fat. If we woke up in the hospital a size 6, we would say this sucks, but dang look how good I look!!!! Hang in there I promise it will get easier everyday. I am now 7 months out and am so glad that I did this, but had you asked me in the first 3.5 weeks I could not have said that (I was still on pain meds at 3.5 weeks)!
   — Haziefrog

September 6, 2003
There is not a doctor in the world that would reverse this surgery at 3-1/2 weeks unless you literally are dying and it is the only thing that will save you. So decide you are going to find a way to deal with the problems and issues and do it! <p>I know you are looking for positive help and support but my reaction is, "what did you expect"? There is a healing process and eating adjustment process that can take many many months to accomplish. I had a hole in my incision for 4-1/2 months but instead of making a huge deal about it I chose to accept it and pack it like I should. I ended up with a 2nd surgery to resolve the incision issue and I came out of that surgery with a hole 1-1/2" in diameter all the way down to my fasca. Again I just said this is what needs to be done. I also started throwing up at 6 weeks and did for 2 months, but in the scheme of things it was so minor. My life is so much better and it was even with those other issues still in the picture. I'm not any better than you! You need to have realistic expectations and a positive attitude as they will carry you a long way through the ups and downs. Keep working with the surgeon and consider getting into some counseling to help you through this time. You will be fine in time but you need to give your body a break.
   — zoedogcbr

September 6, 2003
I can only echo what everyone else has posted so far. Hang in there!!! I'm 7 weeks post-op and I know exactly how you feel. I had the open procedure and was in the hospital for 6 days since I had complications develop. I slept on the recliner in my living room for the first month. I know for the first few weeks I had the worst case of "buyers remorse". With all the pre-research done, nothing really prepared me for the misery. Honestly, it does get a little better each day. God bless!
   — Maria G.

September 6, 2003
Pam, Just hang in there--it will get better! I had an open RNY on May 16, 2003 and had an infection to set up in my wound. I was out of work for almost four months, but if I had it to do all over again I would. I have lost 71 pounds since my sugery date . I am off all medications for acid reflux and high blood pressure. This in itself if worth having the sugery and the weight loss is great and the self esteem I have now is just great. Just hand in there--PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP.
   — Gene F.

September 6, 2003
At 3 1/2 weeks post op I felt just the same way, spent a lot of time in tears. It does get better. it took me 4 -5 months to realize how glad I was I had this surgery. Once I could tolerate most foods, get healed, and be out of pain it has been a whole new world.
   — **willow**

September 6, 2003
Trust me it gets SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. Give your body time to heal and adjust. It took me about 2 months to start feeling anything near like my old self, from before the operation. Now 9 months out I feel 10 years younger. You are still in the hardest part of the process. I know it can be a bit overwhelming, with all the changes that are going on, and all the mental adjustments you must make, but hang in there, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I highly recommend going to a support group meeting if you haven't. Before surgery, I didn't think they would be any intrest to me. Now I run one. I look forward to every meeting. I can't tell you have good it feels to just be with a group of people that are going through the same things you are going through. They give you insight, suggestions, understanding, compassion, as well as help you get through your dark times. Our group has a blast and we all look forward to being with each other. At three weeks out, you really haven't given this surgery a chance. Your life will get better. It will really return to normal. Only with a thinner, Happier, more energetic you. You can do this. We all can help you. Feel free to email me any time you have any doubts, problems or questions. I will do my very best to help you. Open RNY 11-11-02 Down 150lbs
   — dkinson

September 6, 2003
3.5 wks! That's why you want it reversed. Nobody loves surgery until a few months down the road. Share with us the problems you're having. Perhaps we can help. We've all been there done that. Hang in there and in a year you'll be saying you'd do it again in a heartbeat. Honestly!
   — ZZ S.

September 6, 2003
This too shall pass. I also thought about having the surgery reversed for a short time after surgery because I was so unhappy. I couldn't eat what I wanted, and what I could have I didn't want etc..... This is temporary, believe me. After a few months (yes, it may take months) you will be feeling sooooo much better, you won't even remember feeling the way you do. Hang in there, it only gets better! open RNY 2/6/03 - down 165 lbs.!
   — Kathleen M.

September 6, 2003
Fat stores hormones. When you have a rapid weight loss all of these hormones are released. It is like having super PMS. Either tough it out or do like many and have your doc prescribe something to help you through. Like everyone said, this is normal.
   — faybay

September 6, 2003
I have sooooo been there! When I was three weeks out I got so depressed that I stopped eating all together and completely shut down. I figured that if I couldn't eat what I wanted then I didn't want to eat at all!! Needless to say, I ended up in the hospital for three days on fluids. Not fun. My doctor told me he was going to give me an anti-depressant...I said "Do you realize that I'm already on 60mg of Prozac a day!@!!!!" LOL. He said it didn't matter and gave me an anti-depressant that helped me sleep and within a few weeks I was feeling much better. I don't take that anymore; but Prozac is still a staple in this house and had been for years before. Please give it some time and you will feel better too. It is so hard to deal with this when we can't use our comfort source to help us through all the emotions that we are having. Support groups are definately beneficial too. Now....I'm 5 months post-op down 105lbs and only 25lbs from goal and I can once again shout out "WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Best of luck to you and feel free to e-mail me directly if you need to chat. Denise 280/175/150
   — denisel

September 6, 2003
You are also probably feeling the effects of the anesthesia which does a number on your system, your hormones are out of flux like Fay mentioned, and you are going through a huge change right now with eating behaviors. You will be happier once you can eat solid foods and feel more normal. Go to a support group, see a psychiatrist, talk to your surgeon or your family doctor. Unless you are having terrible complications, you are most likely feeling what many of us go through so soon post op. I wish you well.
   — Yolanda J.

September 7, 2003
Like everyone else has said already this will pass. I felt the same way after surgery, I wasnt able to eat what I wanted, etc... I wanted to have it reversed so bad. I went thru the whole what have I done stage myself and like everyone here we know what you are going thru. Now at almost 5 months post op and down 155 lbs I have never, ever been happier in my life. I feel like a whole new person. Just give it time and you too will feel the happiness and see the great benefits of having the surgery. May God bless you always. TJ Open RNY 4/16/03 527/372/?
   — TJ M.

September 7, 2003
Common feeling, it will go away. Once you start feeling more like yourself you will say, why didn't I do this sooner?
   — ChristineB

September 8, 2003
Unless you were seriously ill, I doubt they would reverse your surgery and it wouldn't be for a while anyway. So even if you were sick enough to have it done, by the time you could get it done, you wouldn't want to because you'll be thrilled with the results! About 2 months out you will have a change of heart, I can almost guarantee it.
   — mrsmyranow

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