I had my open RNY on Aug. 8, 2003.When the operation began, the doctor found a

malignant tumor. he did cancdr surgery for the first hour and a half, then proceeded with the RNY. Afterward, he put in a G-TUBE that sticks out of my abdomen and is sued for giving medication into the transected portion of my stomach (not the small pouch stomach) Has anyone else had to have a G-TUBE. How long did they leave it in? Thanks for any support you guys can give me. The whole thing is kind of scary, what with the tumor, which the doctor thinks he got all of, but i have to see an oncologist anyway. Then, to have this rubber tube sticking out is pretty gross, too.    — Roberta B. (posted on August 24, 2003)

August 24, 2003
Hi, Well let me first say that I am glad to hear that the doctor was able to get all of your tumor removed at the time of surgery, that would be very scary to find out, and I hope that everything turns out good for you when you go to see an oncologist! And, as for the G-tube, I had one put in to and left with it still in from the hospital. I had to drain it 2x a day. They are there to drain out the extra acid that is in your tummy mine only stayed in for about a week after surgery then they pulled it out and the hole from it just scared over. Really it wasn't that big of a deal but more just a pain in the rear cuz anytime I went to go and do something the darn thing would tug and pull on my skin where it was sued onto and it got really sore which made it very uncomfortable to deal with so my doc took it out alittle early cuz it was also alittle infected around that area. But usually they don't stay in long and most ppl have them after surgery! Good Luck to You and congrats on your surgery!
   — Melodee S.

August 24, 2003
Hi, Roberta: Congratulations on your surgery; I'm so glad that they found the tumor when they did and removed it right away. You apparently have a terrific surgeon! I also have a drainage tube in my side. I'm 6 days out and will be going for my post-op appt. today so it can be removed. Thank God! It's more of an annoyance than anything else, but I'm getting to the point that it almost makes me nauseous to empty it. It's a pain to try to shower with it also. Don't worry about the tube; they usually come out in about a week or so. You shouldn't have it in much longer. Good luck, and God Bless! Lap RNY 08/19/03, -11 lbs!
   — Moysa B.

August 24, 2003
Hi! I think that maybe other responses are talking about the drainage tube, not a G tube, which can be used for feeding also. I know that one of the docs here in Maine routinely puts one in and leaves it in for something like 2 months. That is how the patients get their nutrition. Like everything else with this surgery, standard procedure varies with each doc. I'm sure they will be concerned with you getting proper nutrition if you have to undergo treatments. Good luck! Lynda ME/FL
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 24, 2003
^es I too am glad your surgeon got your tumor out. As far as the G-tube, I had mine in for over a month. I had some serious complications and was in the hospital for about a month. Like the last post stated I was 'fed' via the G-tube during my hospital stay. Though it was only this tan liquid, the nurses kept saying it was steak and potatoes. (lol) Best of luck to you.
   — John B.

August 25, 2003
Hey Roberta!!! First off, congrats on your surgery! Secondly, in regards to the G-tube, I had mine in place for 27 days!!! My surgeon does not remove the G-tubes until you have spent a full 7 days on solid foods (meat) with no complications. Unfortunately, the first week you are in the hospital (5 days) and the next two weeks are soups only (I hate Campbell's by the way) and then the start of protein, protein, protein!!!! The portion of the G-tube that is exposed is really gross, but like one of the other posters said, it's much better to have a tube instead of surgical complications!
   — Dena C.

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