10 days post op and lactating?

I have tried to get ahold of my doctor but no returns on phone call as of yet. I am 10 days post op and today noticed my breasts were sore...well I went to check them and noticed that I am seeping. Is this normal? What can I do while waiting for the dr? Hugs to ya all.    — RavenShadows (posted on August 23, 2003)

August 23, 2003
I have heard of this happening to others. Your best bet is to contact your surgeon or obgyn to get a shot that will dry you up. If you wait a few days and make sure that you do not stimulate your breasts, they might dry up on their own.
   — Jane S.

August 23, 2003
There are people who have this problem. You may find some of their questions in the library. For some people it has been a normal occurance due to hormonal changes. Fat produces estrogen. Best wishes -
   — M B.

August 23, 2003
Can you say Hormones Ahoy? The same thing happens with me. I had my surgery in May 2002 and for the last 5 months I've had extremely sore breasts for 2 weeks during the month and I've had to resort to wearing nursing pads because of the leakage. My OB/GYN says this is normal because the hormones are completely messed up. He said my body should eventually work its way through the changes but that there is nothing to worry about. He checked my hormone levels just to make sure. I'd still check with my doc to be certain there is nothing to be concerned with. Good luck.
   — Vicki H.

August 23, 2003
I lactated for 2 or 3 years after I ceased breast-feeding my second child. And sometimes, your breasts can begin leaking again after a long time. HOWEVER, please make sure the color of the fluid that's coming out is CLEAR or MILKY WHITE. If it is tinged pink or streaked with red, GET THEE TO YOUR DOCTOR immediately. I just went through this with my boss; she was off on her sabbatical in another country when this happened to her, and it's a sign of breast cancer. Not trying to scare you, but please make certain you check the color of the fluid that's coming out. Good luck to you!
   — sweetmana

August 24, 2003
Did your doctor prescribe REGLAN for you? This is a drug (Metoclopramide) that is used for acid-reflux and immobility problems of the stomach and intestines. Many patients are put on it post-op if they have complications and mobility problems in their newly routed gut. Anyways, a known side-effect of the drug is breast tenderness, enlargment, and milk secretion. Doctors now use this for new mothers who can't produce enough milk to lactate. Hope this helps.
   — Laura R.

August 24, 2003
RN and certified lactation consultant here. No to the shot to dry you up. They used to use shots post partum, and it can cause a significant risk of breast cancer. If you have leakage from your breasts and are not breastfeeding you really should be evaluated by a Dr. Inappropriate milk secretion can be a sign of a serious problem. see a Dr.
   — **willow**

August 24, 2003
One suggestion about how to dry up your milk after you've talked to the doctor - I used to work for an OB/GYN and we used to tell our patients to bind their breasts - tight as they could stand it - with an Ace wrap. Within 24 hours most women found that they were no longer leaking milk. I tried this and either I didn't do it tight enough or this is an old wives tale, but it took me a couple weeks of binding to stop leaking.
   — bethybb

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