What can I do about the fact that I've returned to old eating habits?!

I know I could write a novel but I will try to be brief. I am 15 months post-op. I started at 303. I got down to 217 at my lowest which was about 6 months ago. Today I weighed 245. I am so beyond depressed about this. Every time I see another successful post-op, I just go further into depression. I thought this surgery would change my life. I thought I would FINALLY have control over this problem and I don't. I feel like such a failure I can hardly stand myself. I thought I understood that the surgery was a tool, that I still had to be in control of me, yet here I am. I believe I know a very good part of the reason for my not succeeding -- I had absolutely ZERO follow-up care. I saw my surgeon at 8 weeks post-op and have not seen him since. I had no dietary consultation, no nutritional consultation. I have had no follow-up labs or monitoring of any kind. No support group. OK, so, fine, that may be why it happened. I had trouble feeling a true "OK, you are done, stop eating" kind of fullness once I got about 4 months post-op and this caused me to consistently eat past full which, I believe, must have caused me to stretch my pouch but -- oh my gosh -- WHAT DO I DO NOW?! Is there any help for me?! I am so upset. Please, please, can anyone help me?    — Amy D. (posted on August 7, 2003)

August 7, 2003
you could start going to a support group. they are always out there. you could call a wls doctor in your area and ask where the groups are. and all the groups are free. also you could try talking to a professional about why you over eat. i read somewhere on here in the library that you could "reset" your pouch. that if you go back to the first stages of eating(liquids, puree, soft foods ect..)you can start to lose again. i wish you luck.
   — franbvan

August 7, 2003
Dear Amy, It is unfortunate that you did not have good follow up care, but there is no reason that you can't get that care now. I'd recommend that you 1) Find a support group and start going. 2) Get an appointment with a nutritionist. 3) Make an appointment with your primary care doctor to discuss your depression. I say, when all else fails, put together a team to help.
   — Amber L.

August 7, 2003
Go to your PCP asap and tell him/her what you've told us here. Get them to do bloodwork and make sure you're okay physically and then ask for a referral to a nutritionist. Then once you've established that visit and gotten an eating plan, clean out your cupboards and get rid of everything you shouldn't be eating. Then resolve to take your vitamins, do your protein and get an exercise program going. YOU CAN GET BACK ON TRACK!
   — Cathy S.

August 7, 2003
Amy, I read your profile and your surgeon told you to make an appointment at 3 months post-op for blood work and you didn't. The surgeons cannot force you to follow up with them, it is our responsiblity to know and to do it. You also seem to blame your weight gain on the fact that you had no dietary consultation, no nutritional counseling, no follow up labs and no support group. Uh, what was preventing you from making appts to get all that done, and finding a support group in your area? Your profile also ends last September, almost a year ago, so its difficult for us to know certain things, such as what you are eating, how much, how many meals per day, how much water, drink with meals?, how much protein, do you snack all day, exercise (heart pumping cardio)? Knowing these will help us to help you. Of course there is help for you, but YOU have to take control and make it happen. I hate to tell you but for most of us, it is work after the first 6 months or so. You have to make the decision that you will work to make this surgery work. Remember the part about it being a tool? Its not too late, honestly. Instead of placing blame and being depressed and feeling out of control, make a plan that you can follow. Do it in small chunks instead of overwhelming yourself. Make a list of everything you need to do to follow the pouch rules and regain control. Then take it one at a time. Something like increasing your water to 64 oz for an entire week and eliminating any calorie drinks, and when you have that downpat, start exercising 2 times a week, then increase to 3. Each time you succeed at a small task, it should give you the encouragement to move to the next. You can do this.
   — Cindy R.

August 7, 2003
I'd definately discuss this with your bariatric surgeon and nutritionist. Go to support group meetings and start going to see a therapist that deals with eating disorders. There is a reason why you are trying to self-sabatoge your WLS efforts. Sometimes we need help in getting to the bottom of what causes us to overeat/drink/take drugs, etc. And if you are really depressed you may want to discuss antidepressants if only for a short time. You can do this -- we are in your corner and right along with you. P.S. Don't compare yourself to other peoples journey -- be proud of you right now!
   — Starrlina

August 7, 2003
Offtrack ossg is doing a group protein fast starting on the 11th. That might help get you started. Also there is the South Beach diet. It's high protein, good carbs & fats.
   — lessofme170

August 7, 2003
Amy, I also could write a novel! I just posted a similar message on my profile page you can read it if you want to. It's been a bad day for me. I'm 18 months post op and have started gaining a few pounds and my pants are getting tight! So, what did I do? Go out and eat all the junk I can put in my pouch that's what!! Let's see, I had a king size butterfinger bar, brownies, spagetti, about four real cokes, a chicken biscut this morning, I think that's all - but geez, that's enough! How awful! I'm so depressed about it too. I still want to lose about 15 more pounds, but I am going to really have to go back to the basics, which means protein only, which is SOOO boring because I've been used to eating whatever I wanted - including REAL COKE, cake, candy, chocolate and carbs up the caboose!!! I know it's bad, and I don't know why I let myself get back into such bad habits, but I guess I'm just a food addict and I should see a therapist. I hate the idea of that, but it's the only thing I can think of to help me. I want this tool to work but I know I'M THE ONE TO WORK IT !! :0) It's just hard. I wish this surgery could have done something to my brain too - to make me not want "bad" foods! I sympathize with you belive me. Maybe we can email each other for support! I weighed and measured today and vow to make tomorrow a new day - I'm starting off with egg and bacon for breakfast and will stick to proteins only until I get some of this weight off! I'm at 169 as of this morning and I want to be at least 155. I'm 5'9". Take care and let's keep in touch. :0)
   — michelle T.

August 7, 2003
Amy... you are the ONLY one that can control your eating habits. YOU have TO STOP, and go back to eating the way you KNOW you must to lose your weight. You are the ONLY one that can do it. Quit complaining about no follow up care, etc. and grab ahold of your life. You were given a TOOL, now USE IT. I know I sound harsh, but hon., if you don't wake up now, you won't and you will continue to be and get more miserable. I run a support group for the Midwest Region of the US and we are located in a suburb of Detroit. We have people who come up from Illinois all the time, so I am sure you might be able to find a ride with someone... email me if you want on the list... the group is FREE! Hugs!
   — Sharon m. B.

August 8, 2003
Before I would pronounce myself crazy and self-sabotaging, I think that I would first be checked for mechanical failure. Many times post ops feel like it is their fault, when in actuality, their tool is broken! My first big question is Were you transected? If not, you could very easily have a staple line disruption. I would have your surgeon check you out. I realize going back to the surgeon may be difficult since you did not follow-up. However, the anticipated embarrassment/uncomfortableness will be much worse than the reality. You will probably be welcomed back with open arms and then you will feel sooooo much better! Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 8, 2003
Amy, I feel your pain. I too am 15 months post-op and at times I fear I am returning to baseline - especially when the scale halted between 148 and 157. I added more exercise and began to chart everything that goes into my mouth like I did throughout the first year. However, sounds like your situation is beyond mine. Thought about a revision? If so, choose another surgeon in your area that offers a follow-up program and support network. Best Wishes, Susan
   — Susan K.

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