Hello im 5 1/2 months post-op -65lbs, im a slow loser and a lightweight, my question is i ate 2 slices of pizza tonight and i wanted to know if that is to much to be eating at 5 months out. I already know about he carbs, don't need the lecture, im just asking if anyone else has experienced eating that amount of pizza at 5 1/2 months out? 260/195/160 — sexysag37 (posted on August 7, 2003)
August 6, 2003
Thick, thin, gooey, crunchy dry like a cracker, this all effects how mch we
can eat. Plus HOW LONG. Watch for grazing like making a meal a hour event.
— bob-haller
August 6, 2003
At more than a year, I eat less than two pieces (usually don't get through
the crust) of medium REALLY thin crust pizza without a lot of stuff on it.
That is really MORE than enough.. usually leaves me very full and probably
I should eat a little less. I don't remember the first time I had pizza
but I think it was at about 8 months
— Lisa C.
August 6, 2003
Hello: leftover pizza is my favorite breakfast. I always take off that
big thick piece of crust and then always add a little extra cheese and
maybe a piece of ham or chopped chicken on the top before I heat it up. As
close as I can figure I get about 15 gms of protein in somethint that I
really enjoy eating. It seems to really stick with me also as I usually
don't get hungry for almost 3 hours after I eat this protein laden
yummy....The rest of the day I just choose my carbs carefully if any at
all.....I would probably choose a couple of tablespoons of veggies over
some rice or potatoes...It's all give and take...Don't feel guilty...You
didn't have this surgery to stay on a diet for the rest of your
life....LIVE NORMALLY ..... :)
— Joi G.
August 7, 2003
I still can't eat 2 slices in one sitting.. That's over 400 cals at that
time I was eating 650- 850 cals a day. What else did you eat that day? Good
— Robert L.
August 7, 2003
I will be 6 months post op August 11th and can not tolerate more than one
bite of pizza at this time. (Thank Goodness)!
I have had this happen to me with grilled shrimp. 2 days in a row I ate
4ozs and on the 3rd day I could only eat 2 ozs. Strange, but it happens!
Actually, there is no one food that appeals to me as of yet.
I eat to live now and not live to eat, so it seems all foods I eat go by
protein 1st and carbs 2nd.
Could be why I'm down -85 pounds and tons of inches in less than 6 months.
My starting weight was 250 and I'm 5'4" and 53 years young.
I did try a 1/2 cup Bluebell ice cream (To Die For) and much to my
surprise.... I did not dump, but I also did not enjoy it! This was at my
5th month.
I think the choices we make now will impact the end result, so I stay with
only healthy foods. Once I reach my goal and only then will I add the old
foods. Just a little at a time. lol
I have begun drinking Carb Solutions (high protein) and low carbs and in
the last 5 days I have lost 3 pounds. I had been on a month long plateau.
Good Luck and remember we are all different and no one person looses the
same and or their pouches react the same. To each his own and trail and
You'll do fine!!!
— Hazel S.
August 7, 2003
Hi, I can usually eat 3 small slices but even then it's mainly topping. I
order thin crust and still take half or more of it off (never did like
pizza crust--I know most people do). So really I'm eating meat, cheese and
— Marie S.
August 7, 2003
It might depend. Does your capacity change all the time? Mine does. I
have trouble with regular pizza but I can make those little English Muffin
pizzas (toasted English muffins topped with pizza sauce, low fat mozzarella
cheese, oregano, basil, salt, pepper and broiled in the oven). I don't
know if it's because the muffin is so crunchy or what, but if I eat them
nice and slow and chew very very well, I can eat a whole one (2 halves) but
some days I absolutely can not eat more than 1 half and most days it's 1
half and then part of the other half. Sometimes I pull out some of the
muffin dough but most days I can tolerate it if I eat slow enough. I can
do very very thin crust pizza when I'm out but most of the time ordering
pizza out is a waste for me which is why I make the muffin pizzas at home.
— susanje
August 7, 2003
Okay, I could (and still can) eat 2 pieces of a small, traditional crust
veggie topper pizza, at 5 1/2 months. Once in awhile won't hurt. I didn't
have surgery to continuously severely restict what I eat, although most
days I eat about the same thing. I still like pizza now and again!
— koogy
August 7, 2003
I could eat two pieces of thin pizza at that stage or one slice of deep
dish. At 15 months I can really eat a lot if I wanted too. My kids love
pizza hut so what I usually do is have a salad and then one piece of pizza.
— Linda A.
August 7, 2003
I chew things until they are like liquid, so I *could* eat 2 slices at
once. I haven't done it, but I know I could. I try to get my husband to
order pizza on the nights I work late. That way, by the time I get home,
there's only 1 slice left. I can, and do, eat everything, so I have to work
hard to not overdo things. I don't deprive myself, I just try to not go
— Diana L.
August 7, 2003
Thank you all for your comments about my question.
— sexysag37
August 7, 2003
I am 3.5 months out and can eat almost 2 slices of very thin crust pizza,
but not the whole crust, just all the toppings and most of the crust. Also
depends on the day. I've tried twice, once I could eat .5 slice and the
other time almost 2.
— [Deactivated Member]
August 7, 2003
hey hun mmmmmmmmmm yummy i love pizza lol...anyways it depends on the size
of the eating pizza now as i write you....i can eat about 2 or 3
pieces of a mini size slice..if its a big slice then i usually can eat a
little more then a half or its its a reg slice then one full slice it also
depends on my mood some times i can eat more then other times...I WILL NOT
GIVE UP MY PIZZA for nothing..anyways i am a little over a year and half your stage i beleive it was much less but also remember just cuz u
could eat two slices today dosnt mean you could tomorrow....good luck
— Deanna Wise
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