Can't say I've ever heard that Skin Tags are a precursor to diabetes.

Are there any websites that might discribe this.    — Ken M. (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 6, 2003
Here is some information I found on the web: Skin Tags, What are they? Skin tag: A small tag of skin that may have a stalk (a peduncle). Skin tags may appear on the skin almost anywhere although the favorite locales are the eyelids, neck, armpits (axillae), upper chest, and groin. Skin tags are almost always benign Skin tags are predisposed by heredity. That is, if a persons parents have skin tags, there is a high likelihood that the children will also have skin tags. Women are more likely to have skin tags then men. Skin tags, generally appear during middle age. Although newly born children occasionally will have skin tags. Excess weight is thought to be a factor in the development of skin tags Medically, a skin tag can be termed an acrochordon or a cutaneous papilloma. But it is far better known as a skin tag
   — Missy C.

August 6, 2003
I do know that having skin tags is a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome (obviously not your problem-LOL), but one of the causes of PCOS is insulin resistance (syndrome X). Most people who have insulin resistance will eventually develop type II diabetes. Here are two websites that mention studies regarding the link between skin tags and diabtetes. and Hope this helps!
   — Kristen S.

August 6, 2003
Skin tags according to my husband's doctor are a form of a virus in your body, much like warts. They have a tendency to form around sweaty areas and areas that your clothing may bind or is tight, bra area or neckband. Like I said TEND to, they can form on the face also. They have a tendency to come out more when you have a lot of stress in your life. My husband had a lot of them snipped off and they abated for awhile but the virus was still in his system and with more stress they came back. My husband's doc says that they will start to go away after he has his surgery (RNY), but 'til then he just is living with them. In time they will go away.
   — ChristineB

August 6, 2003
Previous poster again. My husband does not have diabetes. I am the one with diabetes and I do not have any skin tags.
   — ChristineB

August 6, 2003
I got my first skin tag after the birth of my first daughter, when I was 27. The highest my blood sugar has ever been is 82, no matter what I weighed. My mother and sister get skin tags all the time, and while I don't know their actual blood sugar levels, I know neither has even been warned about their sugar levels. If anything, we have a tendancy to be hypoglycemic in our family.
   — Cyndie K.

August 6, 2003
Hi Ken- I have a tiny skin tag on one eyelid that I've had since birth. It's never caused me any trouble. I have recently been developing some tiny ones on my neck and armpits, but as I'm getting older, one doc told me I'm becoming "pre-diabetic". My husband has a few larger skin tags in his armpits and one in personal spot. He has had bouts of diabetes but is able to keep it under control thru diet alone for now. Good Luck! Mea
   — Mea A.

August 7, 2003
Well, I don't think this applies to you- but women who have PCOS, who are also Type II Diabetic are prone to skin tags. Not sure how it all relates- but somehow it does. The website explains more
   — Karen R.

August 7, 2003
Well, oops, Kristen covered it all! I should have kept reading!
   — Karen R.

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