Went to the ER last night with the worst sharp stabbing pains ever right

below my boobs in center where my new stoma is. I had pulled my G tube out that following morning due to it not wanting to come out at the surgeons office when he removed my staples on July 15th. Surgeon said that it would either fall out in a couple of days or to twist it and pull slowly to see if I couldn't get it out. I did yesterday morning and felt fine. As the day progressed I started having cramps than severe pain where my stoma is. My DH took me to the ER because I would not stop passing out and was in excruciating pain. They did a Cat scan and said that when my G tube was pulled out it had some tissue on the end and that tissue ripped and started bleeding into my stoma. The doctor that I saw spoke directly to the protege' of my doctor and she said she didn't seem to worried about it. She said that it would drain into my intestines and (not to be to graphic) come out of my stool as dark black blood. Which it has at least 7x. And it is almost all liquid black blood not solid black blood. They sent me home 4 hrs after I got there and said to just wait it out. Today I feel very week and dizzy. I have slight pain not severe where my stoma is and have a bloody BM every hr. or so. Has this ever happenend to anyone? Please let me know I am very scared. I just wish right now I could take back the surgery. I can't raise my 2yr old daughter now at all. I feel like I'm going to die from this. Thanks to everyone. Audrey    — Audrey W. (posted on July 18, 2003)

July 18, 2003
Audrey, please call your surgeon's office and let them know what the problems are and what they want you to do. I hope you will feel better very soon.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 18, 2003
NO, NO , NO Please call or go to your surgeon, before you settle with what this doctor said. I have been to enough docs to realize, they all don't know what's best for you. and have different opinions.
   — Naes Wls J.

July 18, 2003
Audrey, It is imperative that you call your surgeon! Don't settle for what has been told to you from the other Dr. I will keep you in my prayers. All will work out fine for you. God Bless!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 18, 2003
Call your surgeon!!! The ER doc is just that -- an ER doc, he is not a bariatric specialist like your surgeon. Call your surgeon -- if the ER doc was right then great, you'll hear it twice! But maybe your surgeon will want to see you. With wls, when you feel something painful or "odd" and you know it's not right, do not try to wait it out. Better to call and find out it was nothing than to "see if it passes" and have it end up being something major. Good luck!
   — beeda

July 18, 2003
Definately CALL your surgeon NOW! However if I were you, I'd go to a different hospitals ER. They don't sound to competant to me. And I've been through a hell of alot with all the surgeries I've had. They just don't sound right to me. I question and re question things when they don't sound right. I don't see why you have'nt been admitted to the hospital until they know things are ok. Call your surgeon and/or go to another hospital.
   — Danmark

July 18, 2003
I agree with everyone else's posts, but wanted to give you a little bit of information to take some of mystery out of your situation. For sure, call your doctor no matter what. If the blood that you are passing is dark then it's old blood, which isn't 'good', but it's also a sign that you are not having an active bleeding site. Now, if the blood in your stool begins to start having large red clots or is bright red you definitely have an active bleed and will need to have it cauterized(surgery to take care of the bleeding site) if it doesn't stop on it's own. If you are feeling weak and dizzy you might have lost a fair amount of blood already or you are anemic and your iron is too low. No, I'm not a Doctor, but I'm a technologist and have done hundred's of gastric bleeding studies. Hope this helps and you feel better soon!!! Kiki
   — sweetkiki

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