
   — Melony H. (posted on July 17, 2003)

July 17, 2003
Melony........I also had a problem with my CPAP mask making my skin break out. I had to change over to a comfort gel mask and that made all the difference! Good luck to you!!
   — Terri G.

July 17, 2003
I have had this problem too. Except mine seems to be from the straps that hold the mask in place. Hopefully, I will not have to wear it much longer and this problem will disappear!
   — Pat R.

July 17, 2003
When I wore my cpap (cured now that I've lost 101 lbs.), I wore the Gold Seal gel mask and it was the best. You're supposed to clean it weekly with gentle soap and if you're doing that, maybe increasing it to once a day might help. Also I had neoprene straps that I washed once a week. I had no problem with breakouts, and I have VERY sensitive skin. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 17, 2003
my boyfriend had this problem when he first went on cpap. i told him to try alcohol wipes over the area thaat was covered and hes had no trouble since.. hope this helps
   — sandra L.

July 17, 2003
I couldn't help but smile when I saw your question. When I went to the sleep center the regular mask was not working for me. Air was blowing into my eyes and that was with having the mask as tight as possible on my face. So when I woke up half way thru the night I asked for another type of mask and she gave me this thing that you place into your nostrils. It goes from my nose, to over the top of my head. I look like an alien. But I preferred it. Now, back to your question, I smiled, because after I left the sleep center I noticed that around my nose it felt sore from the 1st mask and the next morning I had 18 pimples! Yes I counted them. I guess the pressure of that mask clogged my pores. Did I say they were all around my nose! Talk about a freak show. Just thought I'd share....:-)
   — Kimberly J.

July 17, 2003
Hi Melanie, I wear the gel mask and I don't have any problems with pimples. I see from the board that the others wearing the gel mask aren't have this problem either. I love mine. I get a new one about every six months. Good Luck!
   — Debbie D.

July 17, 2003
Mine sometimes breaks me out as well. What I have found that seems to help is washing the silicone mask with baby wash every morning after I take it off. Wash the straps at least once a week. Wash your face before putting on the mask and after taking it off. I have also started to keep the ponds premoistened towlettes handy throughout the day to wipe my face off. Stick with a routine and it will clear up.
   — Pookie B.

July 18, 2003
I use baby wipes to cleam my mask before each use. I haven't had a breakout problem.
   — Karen G.

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