What do I need to be doing? I have 4 1/2 weeks til surgery.

I have 4 1/2 weeks till surgery. What are some things that I need to be doing that will make this surgery and the recovery time and basically life easier for me. I am making sure to have my house all clean and organized before I go to the hospital. Just wondered if there were anything that all you post ops out there wish that they had known or wish they had done before the surgery. Also any tips on things I should bring to the hospital that I might not think of. The hospital is almost 4 hours away, so I know I need a pillow for the ride home. Thanks for any help and advice I can get. Take care and have a great day.    — sandyh (posted on July 17, 2003)

July 17, 2003
Bring loose fitting clothing for the ride home. I am an asthmatic, I needed my inhaler on the ride home so if you have asthma, you may want to bring that too. Best wishes for a safe journey to the loosing side.
   — M B.

July 17, 2003
In the next four and a half weeks, you can do things that will make your recovery easier. Start eating more healthy--it's a good habit to get into early, and you'll be happy (and might recover better) later if you've already lost a few pounds. Don't get caught up into the "Last Supper" syndrome and eat everything in sight thinking you'll never have it again. You will have everything that you want again. Start walking if you don't already do so. Walk as much as you can each day. You will absolutely need to do this right after surgery to prevent blood clots, and it's a great way to get the large muscle group in your legs/buttocks to burn fat. Better to get in the habit now. If you're not in the habit of drinking plenty of water, it wouldn't hurt to start developing that routine, too. It's SO important after surgery. Also, be sure that you will have things at home that you'll need that first week or so after you come home: plenty of liquid foods like broth and sugar-free jello, some protein mixes and such. I found that I dropped lots of things when I first came home, and I was home by myslef, so a good pair of gripping picker-uppers or tongs worked well when I couldn't bend all the way over. You will probably also have a little trouble cleaning yourself in the bathroom, so designate a pair of tongs or a long-handled wooded spoon to use to help reach around with toilet paper. I also got a pill splitter--it made taking my larger pills easier to swallow early on (even now!). I found I didn't need much at the hospital. Chap stick, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a comb and some hand lotion were useful. My room was hot, and they couldn't find a fan for me, so you might want to consider bringing your own if the hospital will allow it. Take phone numbers of people you might want to call while you're there. A little bit of cash to buy the daily newspaper came in handy, as well. You're right about a pillow; it will help support you when you move and cough and laugh and such. Congratulations on making this momentous decision, and all the best in your journey to health!
   — Vespa R.

July 17, 2003
What to do before surgery? ....Start walking everyday and also while standing, go up and down on your tip toes and when lying down or sitting flex your feet up and down.Do this after surgery as well as this is a good thing to do to help prevent blood clots....practice taking big deep breaths and exhale until all the air is out of your lungs and also coughing this will help expand your lungs and help to prevent pneumonia after surgery.Start taking your vitamins now this will help your body to be in the best shape for healing and also to get you into the habit of taking them.Increase your water intake.Get plenty of rest.I wouldn't suggest stocking up on anything prior to surgery because your tastes may change after surgery.Water even tasted funny to me after surgery.I could not stand the canned broths so I bought regular soup and drank the broth out of it.If you have to do a bowel very lightly in the week leading up to it or you will be very sorry and have to spend an unpleasant longer amount of time in the bathroom.After surgery....Bring very loose fitting clothes for the trip home because you'll be bloated and swollen in the tummy area.I couldn't button any of my pants for the first week due to this.If you are having the surgery done lap then stock up on Gas X. It'll be your best friend. Don't be shocked if you leave the hospital weighing more than when you went in because this is due to all the fluids that they put in you.Walking,drinking and sleeping are the most important things you can do after surgery.I had a lot of muscle pain in my tummy area and a heating pad worked great.Just remember that you will feel better everyday.
   — jennifer A.

July 19, 2003
I'm 8 days post op. I asked this question myself on the chat board. It turns out that the best answer I received was: Do your laundry and put your underwear where you don't have to lean over to get it.
   — Margaret G.

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