How long does it take to not be totally exhausted after surgery?

I am almost 3 weeks postop and feel completely exhausted most of the time. I am taking all my supplements and getting in 60 grams of protein a day. I am still on full liquids. Any ideas when I will get some energy?    — Earline V. (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
Did they tell you to take B12? My nutritionist said that the reason most people feel wiped out is lack of B12.
   — bethybb

June 27, 2003
I'm 6 weeks post op. I felt totally exhausted until about week 4.. that's when I went back to work. I still get very tired sometimes. But not as bad as the first few weeks. GIve yourself some time. You've just been through major surgery. Your body is healing, and it takes time for the anasthesia to fully leave your body. Good luck to you :-)
   — KellyJeanB

June 27, 2003
I remember feeling like that around the same time. I wasn't taking in any carbs. I started eating one mac and cheese at a time and felt 100% better after getting some carbs in. If you're drinking protein drinks, which I assume you are with that much protein intake, this might not apply to you if they have carbs in. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

June 27, 2003
I'm 6 weeks post-op lap RNY. I developed pneumonia post-op which I'm sure has contributed to my fatigue. I am just now getting through the day without a nap and have energy to begin to do light housework. I understand the exhaustion. It will pass. Make sure you get in your protein and water and take your vitamins. We all progress differently, but I'm sure this will pass soon.
   — adeas

June 27, 2003
It was around 6 or 7 weeks before I started to feel better but after that look out because I am on a roll now. I had my surgery on 02/19/2003 and have lost 125lbs to date. Hang in there you will do fine.
   — tonyskid

June 27, 2003
How are you getting your protein? Are you using things like milk, applesauce, yogurt? Those are all high in sugar, and they will affect some people by making them lethargic. When I had my revision (I was in good health & only 12# overwt), I felt like a worn rug for 2 weeks and still napped until 6 full weeks. I can't count my original surgery, because I was such a basket case going in that adding suregry didn't make me better right away. I had a lot of work to recover from the obesity, never mind the surgery.
   — vitalady

June 27, 2003
Original question poster here. I am getting my protein from protein powder mixed with non-fat skim milk. I was mixing it with water but our dietician said to mix with milk. I am taking sublingual B12. Thanks for all that answered.
   — Earline V.

June 27, 2003
I guess I am the different one!!!!! I didn't really get my energy back until about three or four months out.
   — Delores S.

June 27, 2003
took about 3 months to truly start feeling energetic - I did get some short bursts of energy within a few weeks, but to really feel good it took a while. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 28, 2003
Earline, I am 6.5 weeks post op and down 44 lbs. At three weeks I felt the same way. Starting about 5 weeks, my energy came back, and now I could go 20 hours a day and still not feel tired or sleepy. I literally could go without stopping all day, when at 3 weeks, I needed a nap every day. It seems I am running on premium gasoline now (in ketosis) and your body doesn't tire as easily. I feel wonderful physically, and I'm planning to start weight training as well as walking next week. I've been walking all along but now I feel I can do so much more. Take care... and get ready to zoom!
   — Happy I.

June 28, 2003
it took me about 4 weeks

June 28, 2003
I went back to work after 3 weeks and feel that was too soon. I was very tired and still wanted to rest. I would say that I was tired up through 2-3 month period. Don't worry it will pass...but rest while you can
   — Rhonda S.

June 28, 2003
It took me about six months... but you must realize, I was very very sick. I was given only six months to live, period, a few months before I had this surgery! You will get there, don't rush it!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 29, 2003
This varies so much. I felt really good immediately following surgery, but within a week or two I noticed how my energy level was dropping FAST. Finally, around 8-9 wks out I felt 100%. I do notice that if I'm having (or recently had) a day without enough food, protein and/or water that my energy is down quickly. Did any of us really understand pre-op how nutrition affects everything from our mood to our energy immediately? It gets better...HONEST.
   — Diane S.

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