Dehydration causes exhaustion!

I heard that last nite on Jeopardy and normally wouldnt of thought much about it. But on sunday I spent the day selling junk at the flea market myself. Jen had to work and I had no one to watch my stand so I drank almoist no water, and it was in the 80s. I didnt want to have the long trek to the bathroom and miss sales. I am normally a go go person since WLS but was tired sunday and completely wiped out monday. Laid around all day and took he day off. Felt like I just got home from a long vacation. Anyhow after hearing jeopardy last nite I drank about 12 cups of water and sugar free koolaid. Woke up today feeling good. Have others experienced this?    — bob-haller (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 23, 2003
Yes, I am 9 months post-op and seem to be tired a lot. One day it was really bad and I remember a friend sending me an e-mail about all the benefits of water, so I drank 8 glasses and a few minutes after my second cup I started feeling really good. Well I am sitting here looking at my coffee thinking maybe I should be drinking water instead LOL. Take care. RNY 9/02 was 213 now 128.
   — April G.

June 23, 2003
Last Friday I worked out at the Wellness Center for an hour and a half, came home and ate dinner then I began a 12 hour fast for bloodwork on Saturday--- by the end of my fast I was so exhausted and wiped out. I came home after doing having the blood drawn and drank water, ate, and slept for nearly five hours. I couldnt seem to get enough liquid. I am six months post op and this has been the worst I've felt --make sure to get in as much water as possible.
   — debmi

June 24, 2003
I really beleive that is true! I find myself working around the house, picking up stuff, up and down steps doing laundry,etc., and notice I start to "run out of gas". I stop and have a couple of glasses of water and I feel more energetic pretty quickly. Maybe it's taking a few minutes to rest, too. I don't know. I also recall reading that mild dehydration can also mimic hunger.
   — koogy

June 24, 2003
Hi Bob! I have to tell you a funny story about dehydration. A few years ago (very pre-op) my over-weight husband and I (also over weight at the time) were in Las Vegas in July. It was about the same temperature as HELL out (about 110) with absolutely NO humidity (so you don't realize you're getting dehydrated, because you don't sweat!). After spending about 8 hours walking all around Las Vegas we went back to our room to freshen up before dinner. We said "Let's just lay down for a tiny nap before dinner." (around 5pm-ish) We woke up at 1am!!!! (Luckily Las Vegas is open 24/7!) We were suffering from massive dehydration and didn't even know it, but our bodies sure did!! Now I know better. All the best, Patricia : ) (Lap RNY 5/5/03...down 40-ish!)
   — Patricia G.

June 24, 2003
I cannot get in enough water right now, I am five weeks post matter how hard I try and how much I sip, sip, sip, I cannot get it all in.....and, as a result, I am ALWAYS tired! I cannot wait until the day I can get all of my water in!
   — Tami H.

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