Anyone have BlueCross Californiacare pay for plastic surgery?
My insurance is changing to BlueCross Californiacare from Pacificare. I was laid off in Nov. and have been paying Cobra $300 a month for Pacificare. My PCP said they would more than likely pay for my reconstuction. I now have a new job that only offers BlueCross. I was wondering if anyone has had BC approve their plastic surgery. I really don't want to keep paying for Cobra if I don't have to. But I can't take time off from the new job for a long time. So I am wondering what is the way to go...Thanks is Advance! Take Care, Toni 01/10/02, 441/218/1?? — toni D. (posted on June 20, 2003)
June 20, 2003
Almost any insurance company will pay for reconstructive surgery (don't say
plastic surgery) if you proved it is MEDICALLY NECESSARY. I just got
approved about a month or so for abdominoplasty surgery after an appeal.
Yes, I was denied at first, but I'd appealed their decision and won! I am
scheduled for sugery on July 8, 2003. And by the way, I have BC/BS Health
Options HMO.
Word of advice, document everything!
Good Luck
— Jeanette D.
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