I am 1 week out of surgery, I am expericing alot of swelling feet & legs, is this ok

   — Cinder R. (posted on June 11, 2003)

June 11, 2003
No, it doesn't sound okay to me. It's probably best to call your doctor and ask.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 11, 2003
I also had swelling of my feet, ankles and legs. I told the surgeon twice and he didn't seem concerned. I went back and forth to my primary doc. at first he didn't want to give me no water pills, cause of my new stomach. but I kept coming back. and finally He gave me a low doseage of water pills. It worked. only thing he said was to take them as needed.It kept coming back and forth for a while. Lately I haven't had no problems. I think he said my boby was playing caught up. But if I was you I would not take others opinions on what it's about. Go to your doctor right away. so he/she can tell you weather to worry or not.
   — Naes Wls J.

June 11, 2003
There are all kinds of possible reasons for the swelling, some not serious, but others very serious (such as a blood clot). I do not mean to scare you, but you should call your surgeon ASAP.
   — Vespa R.

June 11, 2003
Hi Cinder ;-) About your swelling. Let me tell you. First I work at a hospital who does this surgery. Today someone left who had lap rny and he gained 20 pounds in two days while in the hospital. It was all fluid. Although I would advise you to at least run it by your doctor, I assure you it is totally normal. For two weeks I could feel the water jiggling around on the TOP of my feet. Can you imagine? My legs were huge and full of fluid. Of course I was freaking out too, so I know how you feel. You will be fine. Just be prepared to lose a lot of weight! Best wishes! Marcy
   — Marcy G.

June 12, 2003
for the first 3 weeks after surgery, i couldn't even fit my feet into shoes. i had to wear houseshoes when i went out. it did go away... eventualy..... as they tell us, this too shall pass. good luck, and god bless
   — mellyhudel

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