A friend told me I was too old for this surgery.

I ran into an old friend today and as usual, in trying to explain away how I have gained this much weight, revealed to her how I am trying everything in my power to have gastric bypass. Her response was "Aren't you too OLD for that surgery" and basically was telling me why bother now at this age-you've been fat most of our adult lives...I was at a loss for words!! How do you handle people like this??? I am ONLY 42!!    — doit 2. (posted on May 28, 2003)

May 27, 2003
Sometimes there are no answers for dumb questions. But, I believe you are too young to be an invalid from obesity and it's co morbidities.
   — faybay

May 27, 2003
I wouldn't listen to your friend "unless" she is the same age as you, the same size as you, has your comorbs., and the same doctor as you, and HE himself told her she's to old to have the surgery. (Even then I would still question it). With that being said, good luck to you, just keep in mind this is for you and no one else.
   — Laydie K.

May 27, 2003
I had a revision from a 20 year old VBG to RNY on May 9, 2002 and I was 45 years old. I came through surgery with flying colors despite being in fairly poor health. Your friend has the same problem many others seem to have - she's uninformed and talking from the top of her head while repeating rumors that she's heard. Heck, she may even had made that little tidbit up, thinking you MUST be too old. My advice to you, for what it's worth, is to ONLY talk to people who are either professionals in the field of bariatrics surgery or to people who have "been there, done that". I refused to discuss the details with people who had never had weight problems because they just didn't understand. Once the ole, "why not try just one more diet" topic came up I would politely excuse myself and leave the conversation. I had tried to change the topic but it always came right back to the surgery and why I shouldn't have it. It's just much easier for me to leave em standing there. Good luck with your decision. I wish I had done this at 42 instead of 45. I would have had an extra 3 years of freedom.
   — Vicki H.

May 27, 2003
What does she mean too old? I was 62 when I had my rny on 4/15/02. I feel better than I have in years. I'm down 141 pounds and 88 inches. Judy
   — Judy S.

May 27, 2003
Too OLD!!!! Why spend the next 50 years of your life miserable? I was 51 when I had my surgery, and am looking forward to years I have added to my life. Good Grif, they are ladies has old as 65 who have had surgery. Sounds like your friend is too old for change.
   — bbjnay

May 27, 2003
I was 42 when I had mine. Some doctors do 'limit' their patients to age '55'.
   — star .

May 27, 2003
I am 50 and will be 51 on 6/23 and I have 9 days to go until my WLS. I want to live to get much older . . . Swettie your still a babe! Good Luck! Michele :)
   — Michele D.

May 27, 2003
I suggest your "old friend" has the intellect and human understanding normally associated with a sack of hammers. I was 56. Hang in there.
   — Chuck O.

May 27, 2003
Too old? I am a 51 year old male who is 12 days post op and have lost a total of 32 lbs. Figure that. Sounds to me that your friend is just jealous
   — Gene F.

May 27, 2003
Jean, I'm 52 and 5 weeks post. Ask your fried when is it to add 20 years to your life! My Dr.'s age limit is 74. Tell her to pull her head out of the sand. A real friend supports not discourages! Hang in there you are not to old.
   — Barbara S.

May 27, 2003

   — Jazzy

May 27, 2003
You are not too old! I am pre-op and I'm 41. My brother had this surgery in Feb 2002 and he turned 50 last year. He has lost 285 pounds! It's a good thing no one told him he was too old! Don't you dare get discouraged by these lunkheads! Keep on going, sister.
   — Tammyjo

May 27, 2003
You are not too old!!!!!! I am 56 and had surgery this year. I decided that even if i have only a few years left, i do not want to live my life out obese and be buried in a piano box! I want to enjoy what i do have left and i am doing fine. There are others well into their sixties, that have had this surgery. Go for it and lose the friend!!!!!
   — Delores S.

May 27, 2003
How do you handle this??? don't!! It isnt worth the argument. Today at 50+ I feel better than ever and plan to make the next 50 the best ever!! I've left all of my pre op naysayers biting the dust!!!
   — Denise W.

May 27, 2003
   — Carol B.

May 27, 2003
Some people are just ignorant! It still amazes me that people just say whatever they want with no thought to how they make us feel. But I do have to admit that when my brother had his RNY, I thought he was taking the easy way out.... you know all the garbage the ignorant say.... that was me. Boy did I have egg on my face. A little over a year after my brother, I had surgery and WOW what a life changer! My point is that you will hear alot of negative comments from now and even after surgery, but the ones that take time to find out what this is are the true friends anyways, so when people make rude comments, just remember that they just don't know what this surgery really is. The old by-pass procedures they used to do were much more dangerous and had more side-effects, so they probably refer to that when comments are made. Good luck! And hopefully you run into this gal when you are down 100 lbs., see how she re-acts to your AGE then! LOL!
   — Dana B.

May 27, 2003
Your old friend needs a new attitude. It's all about attitude! 42 is NOT OLD at all! Heck girlie, you're in your prime. You'll be one of the great success stories and she'll be pea green with envy. Don't have surgery for that reason of course, do it for yourself. The envy of other, non-supportive folks is just the bonus :o - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -126lbs.
   — Anna L.

May 27, 2003
I had surgery at 41 and beleive I am a healthier than was I was 31! Go for it-
   — ~~Stacie~~

May 28, 2003
I was 40 when I had this surgery and I know someone else who was 54. Your not to old for the surgery. Good luck.
   — Sue F.

May 28, 2003
Hi, A suggested way to handle them is by asking them where they did they research and can they provide you a copy of the research that gave them such an opinion. I had Lap RNY 8 weeks ago and I am 43, my mother-in-law had it 5 weeks ago and she is 64. Without it, it was doubtful that she would hit 66. Her insurance didn't think she was too old either, they paid in full. Best of luck..
   — M B.

May 28, 2003
Friend?!? It's a good thing you two don't get together more often!LOL There must be something very negative in her personality to say something like that. Also, if I ran into any old "friends" at my current weight (pre-op), I would hope they would feel sympathetic instead of asking me to explain how I'd gotten this way. Stick with us posters, we love ya! :o) Mea P.S. I will most likely be 40 when I have my surgery :o)
   — Mea A.

May 28, 2003
How do you handle people like this? - have surgery, lose a bunch of weight, look and feel years younger! I had surgery at age 46. You are NOT too old! Disregard this nay-sayer! Maybe she has given up on losing weight and thinks you should,too. I feel sorry for her and anyone else who thinks they are too old (at 42) to have WLS. They are missing out on a lot of life! Good for you for going for it - I wish all the best in your journey!
   — koogy

May 28, 2003
Too old? Oh, okay, then ... at 44, I'll just go pull the blankets over my head and wait for it all to end. Looks like there will be a lot of us under there, laughing our butts off at your friend's comment!<P>Gee, when I had the surgery at the age of 43 (carbon-date me!! whadda dinosaur!), I was thinking that I didn't want to end up housebound (if not dead altogether) from morbid obesity before reaching age 50. A year later, and 130 pounds down, I can now run four miles. This is a good thing, 'cause I haven't run into any boy scouts offering to walk my ancient personage across the street lately. ;-)<P>What a silly comment! This definitely goes into the "you're my friend because ...???" Hall 'O Shame!
   — Suzy C.

May 28, 2003
The simple answer... You may be too OLD to have the surgery, but you're too YOUNG to die if you don't!!! Seems like an easy decision to make.
   — dkinson

May 28, 2003
Did you call her a "friend"? I would re-categorize her if I were you!
   — Amy A.

May 28, 2003
Tell her you want it so that you can live another 42 years! I wonder where she got the idea that 40's was too old for this surgery? Why don't you ask her...what does she know that you don't?
   — Cindy R.

May 28, 2003
I think I might have been tempted to smack her in back of da head, but that might just be because I've been of my Zoloft for a few days! LOL My co-worker had the surgery when she was 55, and she looks and feels great! She had NO problems what-so-ever, and she has totally been my inspiration for getting this done myself. I'm happy to say I'm approved and hope to have surgery around August 20th. My's never too late to be reborn! Good Luck and God Bless!
   — Moysa B.

May 28, 2003
Jean, Jean, Jean. It is to laugh. Tell that ditzball "Aren't you too old to be SO STUPID?!?" (Sorry but I tell it like it is! ;o) [PS Chuck O'Brien--loved your response]. Take care, Jean, and go for it!!! -----Joyce C, 4 months post RNY, -65 lbs and a veritable FOSSIL at 41 years old.
   — Joyce C.

May 28, 2003
You mean, I've had 9 years I wasn't entitled to because I was too old to have surgery at 44? Shoot. Where do I go to give them back so I can set things to right? I think your freind is right. I shoulda died at 44, with my family watching. Cuz that'd serve me right for "letting myself get so fat", wouldn't it?
   — vitalady

May 28, 2003
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! I think (from my personal observation) that most of the people attempting to have this surgery are in their 40-50's. I've only met a handful of people under 30. Tell your friend to DO SOME RESEARCH! LOL! 42 is not old. (I'm 22) You deserve to be healthy just as much as anyone else does, regardless of age. So you just do what you feel is right. Hey, maybe she's jealous that you'll be looking younger then her soon.
   — Renee B.

May 28, 2003
You aren't too old. I have gone to 2 different seminars and all say it's ok up to 62 then after that they consider it on a case by case basis. Go for it, if this is what you want for you. Tell these people that this is a decision that both you and your surgeon have made together!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 28, 2003
Gee and did you ask your friend where she got her medical degree???
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 28, 2003
I am scheduled to have this surgery June 10, 2003. I am 59 years old. I too have been heavy most of my life, but I have many medical problems as a result of this, and want to live a bit longer and feel better. Stick to your guns. I can't say I wish I was 42 again, but that certainly is not old. Neither is 59. Ha!
   — Pat S.

May 28, 2003
Why don't you send this page to that friend. It just might shut her up fast. And here I was looking forward to turning 40 in August. Give me a break!
   — TLLessor

May 28, 2003
she is just stupid plain and simple. she must be one of those people if told she won a million dollars she would respond.."yeah...but i have to pay taxes for it" what a downer. negative people are the worst. another thing that really get's me upset is how people feel they can just say anything they feel about wls without even being asked for an opinion. just because weightloss is one of the major benefits of this surgery i think they think of it more like going to weightwatchers or something instead of major surgery. people are just rude. i told a friend who was having female surgery..."look don't give me your unasked for two cents about my wls and i won't give you any unasked for advise on your vagina!"
   — franbvan

May 29, 2003
Hi, I am 59 and had the surgery April 14th. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I have had no problems and have already lost 27 lbs. I am sure the surgery was no worse for me than for someone younger. I have 8 grandkids and one on the way next month and having this surgery makes me realize I now have a much better chance of being at their weddings and being a great grandma someday. Best of luck to you. Don't listen to those dooms-sayers. They are usually such negative people or people who are afraid you will be very successful at this and look better than them. Some people love it when you are the underdog and they feel better and above you. Lots of Luck and hang in there is is worth it.
   — Maureen C.

May 29, 2003
Hi Jeanne Tell your friend you would like live to at least to the age of 84. This type of surgerical procedure people don't have done friviously. Then tell her about Carnie Wilson. People seem to relate to celeberties.
   — Aynikaye

May 29, 2003
Jean, My life is starting over at 44, and I think for the next few years I am going to subtract a year until I am as young as I feel! The WLS has given me back time I wasted being MO!
   — Lisa D.

May 30, 2003
I am 44 and just starting my journey into WLS. I have not been approved or have a surgery date yet, but my age is the least of my worries.
   — doodlebug

June 2, 2003
Hey, I'm 51 and will have surgery in mid-july! I am so excited and my family is for me as well. Go for it girl, you are the one who lives in that body! You should be all you c an and do all you can to make this positive step in your life.
   — Ann N.

June 2, 2003
I am 27 years old, but when I had my surgery done I was actually the youngest. My roomate on my last night was 47 and both the ladies in the room next to me were I think she said 47 too and the other was 53. I say go for it! You only live once and your not old, you still have so much time to enjoy the way you want too:o) Good luck to you!
   — Sandy M.

June 3, 2003
Jean, I'm VERY HAPPY that you are empowered and have the courage to take this drastic step toward improving your health!!! With what you call a "friend" like that, who needs enemies? I say, "pooh, pooh and double-pooh" to your so-called friend. Pray for him or her. It's not up to that person, ANYWAY!!I'd rather have an encouraging friend especially where my health is concerned. Be blessed. LAP RNY 9/3/02 265/159/115-126 and holding for some reason...Hadiyah, a.k.a.~~
   — yourdivaness

February 5, 2009
never too old my surent did a women in her 80,s because she beg him and he told her if she got clerance he would ,she came back fast with all her clrences and he said because she was so determinded he did it and shes so much happyer....
   — viettav

February 6, 2009
You are definately not too old- I had my RNY on Jan 5,2009 and I am 67.5 and my dr. said I did great-not one complication, nausea etc. I admit, I am still trying to get water, protein in but every day gets better. Congrats on your decision to a better life and health. Do this for you-don't let your friend's opinion deter your hope for a better you! Donna
   — donna.williams

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