CPAP and cough

I have had no problem with wearing a full face mask with my cpap. But I find I always wake up with a dry,almost smoker's like cough.Humidifying with water doesn't help. It's sort of a dry tickle. It's a real pain with (excuse me ) my stress incontinence. Joann Walsh    — Joann W. (posted on May 25, 2003)

May 25, 2003
Hi! You didn't mention if you are using cool humidity or heated....having warm humidity might help.Also If you aren't using a chin strap to help keep your mouth closed that could also cause this problem.
   — jennifer A.

May 26, 2003
Since you are using a full face mask (which covers the mouth) a chin strap shouldn't be necessary. Heated humidity should help. Try asking your doctor about using a nasal inhaler like Vacanase to help control post nasal drip. Sometimes CPAP aggravates the drip which leads to coughing.
   — LLinderman

May 26, 2003
Hello Sharon I had a problem with post nasal drip while I was adjusting to my CPAP Unit. I purchased a Humidifier. I was prescribed Flonase Spray then Claratin. But, I still was having post nasal drip. I tried Benedryl Antihistime tablets at bedtime. After a few months it cleared up the post nasal drip. But check with your doctor or pharmacist first. Just to make sure that the right course of treatment for you.
   — Aynikaye

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