Did you lose hair post-op, cut it, and then regret it?

I am 4 months post-op from Lap-RNY and have been losing hair for about 6 weeks now. I have very long hair (just past my waist) and I really don't want to cut it. Has anyone had long hair and cut it, then later regret it for whatever reason? I'm afraid if I cut my hair it will look just as thin, just shorter. I'm also afraid I'll cut my hair and the very next week my hairloss will stop and then I will have cut it for nothing! Help!!    — thumpiez (posted on May 20, 2003)

May 20, 2003
Hey there - just remember, if you DO wind up cutting your hair and you don't like it.... it will always grow back! ;) Granted it might take a little while to get to your waist, but with a new body, and new life, perhaps it'll be time for a new hairstyle to go with the then New You! Best of luck with whatever you decide!
   — momstah

May 20, 2003
I had long hair (almost to waist) for many many years. I cut it to about my shoulders last fall and didn't really like it at first, but to be honest, I was sick of the long hair. I just had my third cut since. The first was too long, the second too short and the third one just about right. I'm thinking of growing it a little longer but won't grow it to my waist again. I'm 4 months post op and have lost very little hair but I keep it shoulder length and layered and it's hard to tell on the days that I'm shedding that some is coming out.
   — susanje

May 20, 2003
Lost it (around 20% in total) Cut it Didn't regret ir (everyone was looking at ME, not my hair, believe me! It's all grown back, and wavier and thicker than pre-op, which I attribute to vitamins, better nutrition and drinking so much water.
   — DianeN

May 20, 2003
Well, my hair was not down to my waist, but it was down to the middle of my back. I cut it shoulder length just before my surgery (I knew that I did not want to mess with it after surgery)....when I started losing hair about 3 months out, I cut it again, about to my chin. I also increased my protein and started using NIOXION shampoo. Not sure if one or all 3 helped, but my hair loss stopped around 6 months out. I have cut my hair in so many different styles in the last year (I think to try and match my new attitude). It is now very short and SPIKED !!! (check out my picture on my profile - not sure that you can tell how spikey it is). You can always cut it just a little and see if it helps or go all out and donate it (I think it has to be 12 inches) to Locks of Love - they make wigs for kids with cancer.
   — Sharon H.

May 21, 2003
Christie, I started off with thick hair, it was semi long, thick, at about 4 months like yourself, It started thinning out, and I mean thinning out, for the next couple of month like (3) months, man I didn't think it would stop, I'm now 12 months post op, hair loss has stopped, and I've cut it 3 times, I had allot of dead ends, and it seems the shorter that it is, I can tease it and make it look a little fuller (Add hairspray) so until I grow my maine back gotta do what you have to do, It looks good, and I feel good.. My hair started growing back about 1 month ago, so I little what I call piggy hairs, (Baby hair sprouting) , so hopefully in time, I figure this time next year I'll lush healthy hair... Nope never a regret here, a compromise, and it's looks and fits good with the new me !
   — tannedtigress

May 21, 2003
P.s. Sorry for all my mispelled words, coffee hasn't kicked in.... Wish I had spell check on this site SMILE ! :)
   — tannedtigress

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