Can you still life weights after a brachioplasty?

Can you continue to "sculpt" your arms with weightlifting after a brachioplasty? Anyone out there had an extended brachioplasty? What exactly is it? What were your restults? How was the recuperation? Pain? How many drains, and for how long?    — Cathy S. (posted on May 5, 2003)

May 5, 2003
I was instructed to wait 8 weeks before lifting anything after my brachioplasty. It was actually more like 10 weeks before I actually got back to the gym. I went back to lower weights for a while and gradually worked back up to what I had been lifting before the brach -- then progressed beyond that also. The combonation of brachioplasty and weight training really has made my arms look great. I don't know what an extended brachioplasty is. Mine goes from elbow to armpit in a straight line, and then acreoss the armpit (like a "T"). I had it done on a Tuesday and actually went to a meeting on Friday. No drains. hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 5, 2003
I also had to wait a bit before beginning to weight lift again after the surgery; however, I have been pumping iron all winter, and I tell yuo what; my arms are ready for sleeveless dresses for the first time in my life. Definition, defintion and more definition! It is wonderful, just give yourself healing time. Good luck!
   — sheron H.

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