Why do we need a fan at the hospital?

Ok, this may sound dumb, but I hear quite a few of you talk about bringing a fan to the hospital with you. Is the hospital room just hot, or do we experience hot flashes?? I'm just curious. Thanks for the advise, I will make sure to get one.    — Happy I. (posted on May 3, 2003)

May 3, 2003
My hospital had them in our rooms for us to use. It was greatly appreciated!! I got hot flashes just about the whole time I was in there. I'd just be sitting and watching tv or reading and I'd feel my hair get really wet and gross. Maybe you can call the hospital ahead and see if they have them there already. ~Jessica, Surgery April 16 and down 27 pounds :)
   — Jessica C.

May 3, 2003
If you have your own small fan, then you may want to bring it in. My wife (who is a nurse) says that the floors usually do not have enough fans to go around - especially in the warmer months. If it's a newer fan (<10 years old), then most hospitals will not have a problem with you bringing in your own fan...JR
   — John Rushton

May 3, 2003
Luckily, I had a private room with my own thermostat. Everyone who came into my room, froze. I was comfy. :)
   — Kim L.

May 3, 2003
You may get very hot after you have WLS i know i did lol i nearly froze my bf the frist 3 days i was so hot in their but some ppl freeze after WLS and do not want a fan everyone is different but if you need one ask the nurse for it
   — wildbrat

May 3, 2003
Had my surgery in May in Michigan...didn't need a fan, didn't take anything to the hospital except the clothes I worre, one clean pair of panties for the trip home and my glasses. The hospital provided everything else I needed and I didn't have to try to keep up with my belongings or schlepp anything back home. I believe in the simplified approach to living.
   — merri B.

May 3, 2003
Hi, I had surgery in South San Francisco, in Jan. The weather was warm, and the sun came threw my window. Hospital beds are plastic covered, and I also had a pad under me for lifting that made it very hot. When I woke up the second day the nurses had brought me in a fan. LOVED IT! And as someone else said it does help to drown out the noise on the floor. You will be up and walking around a few hours after surgery, least here we do. You might work up a sweat, and the fan may feel good to you. Good Luck!
   — Mae B.

May 4, 2003
I think that the people who post about the fans, really just need them in order to sleep. I, too, am a fan sleeper, and if I am in an environment without a fan, I have a really hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep. I need the hum of the fan and the air moving across my nose. Anyway, I think the posters are like me and are reminding people to bring a fan if you need one!
   — MissKimberly

May 5, 2003
It was the best thing I brought with me to the hospital. Having that fan blowing on my face overnight made me so much more comfortable. Hospitals are notoriously warm, and I think the hormonal imbalances in your body from surgery, can wreck havoc on your temperature the first few days too.
   — Cindy R.

May 9, 2003
The nurses were kind enough to find me a fan as I sweated like a little pig.... and I was grateful for the fan!!!!
   — Kathy H.

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