I need help understanding this policy, has anyone else had this with their insurance

I called insurance company yesterday to find out if I need a refferal to surgeon. I was told that I didn't need a referral, but the doctor would have to write a letter of medical necissity for any type of weight loss care and that it would have to be pre-authorized before I seen anyone includina a dietician or nutrionist (sorry for the misspelling) help    — shanni39 (posted on April 29, 2003)

April 29, 2003
I have a ppo insurance with excellent coverage, but I still needed the pre-certification for my procedure. This is not unusual for an elective surgery. You do not need permission to pick your surgeon, but you will need the authorization of your insurance company in order for them pay for the procedure. When it is a medical necessity then the elective procedure is needed to ensure the betterment of your life. You will need documentation of all your co-morbidities (health issues), past unsuccessful dieting ventures, etc etc... This are just the hoops we all jump through. Some more then others. Have your doctor write the letter and go from there. These offices do this everyday and know what needs to be said in order to get the approval. Hang in there. You are in a better position the most of the others.
   — Sue A.

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