I have what looks like burn marks on my stomach. They appeared

after surgery. The nurse said it looks like they came from the leads that they place on your stomach during the surgery. They are in the shape of a triangle, 2 on the left and 1 on the right. They are red in color and look like burn spots or something. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help? Will they go away? Thanks, Jennifer Respond to [email protected] Thanks, Jennifer    — Jmiller (posted on April 29, 2003)

April 28, 2003
Jennifer Miller I had one that was in a half circle. Close to where one of my scars is located. It has gone away My surgery was 2/19/03 but it has just now gone away. Jazi
   — Jazi in N FL W.

April 28, 2003
I'm sorry that you have those marks on your skin, and I'm a bit curious maybe you can tell me more, why would you be placed on your stomach during this surgery?
   — Heather S.

April 28, 2003
Many people have a sensitivity to the adhesive on the electrodes and it will cause what looks like a burn mark. It does go away. Using a Cortaid creme that you can get over the counter helps with the itching and red marks.
   — Sue A.

April 28, 2003
Hi Jennifer! It sure sounds like you had an allergic reaction to the adhesive. I found that I was allergic to some adhesive they used on me during my c-section 2 1/2 years ago. It left me with the same type of reaction you are talking about. Almost like burns...mine got blistery and "wet". They were more uncomfortable then the c-section was. Best of luck and keep them clean, dry and put some antibiotic cream or ointment on them.
   — Chapin H.

April 29, 2003
Hey Jennifer, I had the same thing after surgery only much worse. I was allergic to the adhesive used on the leads and also to the surgical tape. When they took off all the tape on the second day, layers of my skin came off in huge sheets right along with it. My chest was a huge bloody looking mess for several weeks It has been about 8 weeks now since my surgery and all the scars have almost faded completely away. It may look bad for you now but everything should be fine in a few weeks.
   — Bobby B.

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