6 Month Post Op- What can I do for a stomach virus?

I am 6 months post op and have a stomach bug. I don't feel like eating or drinking, but know I need to get something in me. I am vomitting and have diarhea and feel feverish. I don't think I have food poisoning since both my kids just had the same symptoms this week. I don't know if I can tolerate soda, since I haven't tried it as a postop. I know I can't tolerate artificial sweeteners so I can't have SF popsicles. Do I have any options besides soup and water? Can I take pepto-bismal?    — Yolanda J. (posted on April 27, 2003)

April 27, 2003
I'm not sure what type of over the counter products are safe to use, but if you contact your primary, or your surgeon, I beleive they can prescribe prescription suppositories that will stop the vomiting. They're not pleasant to use, but work very well and are much better than taking pepto or other anti-nausea liquids, just to vomit them back up!!! Good luck.
   — Kelly B.

April 27, 2003
My surgeon told me NOT to take any of the over the counter anit-diahrrea medications. You probably need to call your doctor and maybe he will prescribe some anti-nausea medications for you then you will be able to keep down some liquids. Have you tried Blue Bunny no sugar added popscicles - they are sweetened with Splenda, not aspertame. Also, my surgeon says regular popsicles are fine - the hospital doesn't have the sugar free variety and most of his patients do ok with the regular ones - not that much sugar in them. Can you tolerate Gatorade? Some can and it's a good source of electorlytes that you are losing. But, if it were me, I'd call my doctor.
   — Patty_Butler

April 27, 2003
I second Patty's suggestion of the Blue Bunny popsicles made with Splenda. I am sensitive to the artificial sweeteners, except for Splenda. I use it in my tea. I would also suggest you get some Celestial Seasonings Peppermint Tea. I drink at least one cup a day, usually at bedtime. But if tummy doesn't seem to be liking food that day, I will have 2 or 3 cups in a day. It's herbal (no caffeine) and the peppermint is not only yummy but great for the tummy! I've tried other peppermint teas but Celestial Seasonings is the best. If you're making a large mug, use 2 tea bags. Also, herbal teas need to steep for a good 5 minutes to get the full flavor out of them. Sweeten with a packet or 2 of Splenda and you'll be soothed and relaxed, as well as hydrated. Hope you feel better soon! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -123lbs.
   — Anna L.

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