Anyone had any reconstructive surgery?

Were you pleased with the results? What did you have done? Would love to hear from one and all with all your stories. Thanks    — Cathy S. (posted on April 24, 2003)

April 24, 2003
In addition to any responses you receive, check out the library under plastic surgery. Its filled with questions and answers on this very subject.
   — Cindy R.

April 24, 2003
Cathy, I had abdominoplasty almost 7 weeks ago. Although the recovery seemed harder to me than my open RNY, I am thrilled with the results. If this procedure is something you are considering, I have pictures...
   — Karla K.

April 24, 2003
i had reconstructive for both my tummy and breasts on March 4 and am very pleased with the results! I still donot feel 100% normal but it will happen soon!!! I also have pictures!
   — Sweetprincess

April 24, 2003
I had a lower body lift w/ breast lift. LOVE it! It's the 2nd best thing I've done (WLS being the first :)
   — mom2jtx3

April 24, 2003
I had the anchor abdominoplasty (they removed 10 lbs of stomach), breast reduction, and a little lipo done on the knee area on 3/31/03. I'm very happy. They will have to touch up a spot on both of my hips later. I'm scheduled to have the brachioplasty and my knees done on 5/12/03. I'm excited about that too. I know that I really need a thigh reduction too, but that will have to wait. My body will never be that of a model, but I am so happy with how much better I look and feel.
   — jan M.

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