what's an upper body ? what does it include? anyone out there had one?

After I reach my goal, I'm thinking of both an upper body lift, and a lower body lift. What do each of these entail? Anyone out there had either of these? Love to hear all your info, insights, and experiences. Thanks.    — Cathy S. (posted on April 22, 2003)

April 21, 2003
I had a series of reconstructive surgeries to remove excess skin after losing 250 pounds. I started with a mastopexy (lifting and removing excess tissue in my breasts) and panniculectomy (removal of the apron of fat on my belly). I then had incisions made down the insides of both my legs, ankle to groin, and around the inside on both sides of my legs. Excess skin was removed. Also, I was cut around the back at waist level and re-opening the panniculectomy incision and the skin pulled up and the excess removed. The next surgery involved incisions from about 3 inches from my wrist, all the way along the inside of my arm, through the middle of my armpit and down my side to just below the bottom of my rib cage. Excess skin was pulled and removed. I also lost all of my armpit hair! I sleep with my arms up under my head to prevent contractures of the scar tissue. All in all, I lost about 35 pounds of excess skin. I still have some hanging skin above my knees and ankles, but I am not uncomfortable wearing shorts or a bathing suit. To really finish off the job, I could use a "butt lift", which has incisions under the butt and gets rid of my 'saddlebags' and a face-lift to get rid of my droopy jowls and chicken wattle neck. However, my main goal was the ability to move and function easier without all the hanging flesh. I can live with my aging face and "posterior exuberance". Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

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