Have you gained weight during your pre-op period?

Ladies & gents, did you all gain weight during your pre-op period because it was the last hoorah? I'm not even approved for surgery yet and I've gained 13lbs since Jan!!! YIKES. I am officially at my all time high of 263lbs with a BMI of 45.1. I'm just venting, I guess I just feel like a slob. Thanks for listening.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on April 10, 2003)

April 10, 2003
Hi, well, right now my tumy hurts, it's like I want to eat everything before my surgery, I am waiting for my approval;, and I hope they accept the surgery soon or I am going to explode, even that I am consider light weight at 238 pounds, I have too much anxiety, and also I began to look trough the memorials in this site from all the people that went trough the surgery and didn't make it, I am scare and excited, well if anybody wants to write me I'll be happy to answer your emails. Good luck, and you are not alone. God Bless you all.......
   — Rosa M.

April 10, 2003
Hell yes! I ate like a pig pre-op. I think I put on 10-15lbs in 1-2 months. It's funny because now I think "If I knew then what I know now". You think you will never be able to eat the things you love sooo much. This is not true. You will be able to eat normal food again just much smaller amounts. I eat ALL my favorites. I am in no way deprived. The best part is eating a meal that fits on a small salad plate and feeling like you had two dinner plate servings! I sometimes get blasted by my husband when I dish out his plate with portions like mine. He starts laughing and says "Are you kidding? I didn't have my stomach stapled!" I wish you the best!
   — Michelle H.

April 10, 2003
Yes, I gained a good ten pounds before my surgery going thru the "last supper syndrome". What I wish someone would have told me is that you do not have to give up your pre-op favs post-op. Eventually most of what you ate pre-op you can eat again post-op. I thought I would never be able to eat another piece of candy or a french frie again. Not the case-only now I don't eat the entire box of candy or a super size fry. If I had exercised some restraint pre-op and not gained that 10 pounds I would be at goal now and not struggling to get off the last few pounds.
   — Cindy R.

April 10, 2003
Yes, I am embarassed to say I gained almost 20 pounds in the 5 months before my surgery... at the end, I was so tired of last meals, I was craving healthy, light food!
   — Kendra S.

April 10, 2003
I'm actually down about 55 pounds since December when I first started the process. I couldn't stand the thought of just "wasting" 4 or 5 months of my life while waiting for the surgery. My surgery is next Wednesday, and I haven't had a real "Last Supper" blowout yet. I do have a nice restaurant dinner planned with friends for the day before surgery, but I don't expect to go nuts.
   — Jim F

April 10, 2003
For just this very reason my surgeon requires the Optifast diet for 6 weeks prior to surgery. As I am typing this I am eating my favorite pizza! My surgery is on 4/22, and while I have managed to lose about 10 pounds the last month on the optifast, I have given in to the lst supper syndrome several times (like this minute). But if not for the liquid diet, I would have gained weight prior to surgery, so I guess it's good. Inga
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 10, 2003
yep....I've gained about ten pounds and I still have 2 more months to wait before my surgery date
   — jennifer A.

April 10, 2003
Yes, I gained...7 lbs. But those lbs were enough to hike my bmi..arghh. I'm too the point that the thought of food just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Some friends wanted to go to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Just the thought of it made me want to heave. Just remember, the more you weigh...the more you have to lose. And there's no guarantee you're going to lose it. I can't wait for the 16th to be here & over already.
   — Diane S.

April 10, 2003
Unfortunately my surgeon has a no weight gain rule. You don't have to lose but you can't gain between your consultation and surgery or she will cancel. She warns you ahead of time so you won't be shocked if she were to cancel you. That scared the crap out of me so I made sure to not have a month of last suppers for fear of my surgery being cancelled. Also glad for that rule because now that I am post-op I have eaten just about all the things I thought I was never going to have again. And if I would have eaten everything for fear of not eating it again, I would be that much futher away from goal. That is the feeling everyone gets is that you will never be able to have this or that and that is not true at all.
   — Dee ,.

April 11, 2003
Oh!! I am so glad that what I've done has a name!! The Last Supper Syndrome!! :)) It is so comforting knowing I'm not the only one and knowing that I will be able to eat some of the same things. I guess I just wasnt educated enough on the post op diet. I just saw liquid diet and freaked :)) Thank you all for your responses! The Lord used you all to work a miracle!!! Hugs & Kisses...
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 11, 2003
I got on the scale the other day and had gained enough weight that my cheap scale kept telling me error. I kicked it a few times and told it that it did not know anything. I had to go to work and check out the scale there. Best I can figure, I have gained about 7 pounds from the time that I got approval (Feb.21). I still have 11 days until surgery and food has never tasted so good (except for maybe the time that I was on Prozac). I thought about trying to lose weight this week but haven't been able to convince my hands and mouth of that decision yet.
   — Melanie S.

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