I have mild sleep apnea; will my surgery be postponed?

I did my sleep study late, and just got the results today, a week before surgery. It appears I have mild sleep apnea (RDI = 7; oxygen saturation 96% average, 88% low). They recommended trying CPAP. Is my surgeon likely to reschedule me until after I can do the CPAP for a couple of weeks?    — sjwilde (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
I too had a mild case of sleep apnea. Even though when I went to bed at night it felt like a more severe case than mild. My sleep specialist told me if I did not get the surgery that I would have to get a cpap machine and if I would have gained more weight, like I was doing, that my sleep apnea would become worse. The bigger I get the worse all of my weight related ailments would get. My asthma was already out of control and I had major co-morbidities that made me miserable. Hopefully, you can get the surgery immediately so that you don't have to risk your life and broaden your chances for a stroke with the sleep apnea and all. Please tell your surgeon and the nurses who wheel you into surgery about your sleep apnea. Your surgery will not be postponed. This is one of the major co-morbidities that get us the surgery. This disease is life-threatening. My sleep apnea disappeared..............NO MORE SNORING AND KEEPING EVERYONE UP IN THE HOUSE OR NO MORE WAKING UP AT NIGHT GASPING FOR BREATH. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK,GOD BLESS. SHIRLEY
   — Shirley M.

April 8, 2003
Sandra, I am so glad you got tested for sleep apnea before surgery. If your surgeon does go ahead with the surgery since you have a mild case of it without trying you on CPAP first, please be sure he and the anesthesiologist take precautions for you having it. Please make sure they have CPAP available for you at the hospital. Please make sure they monitor you very carefully at least the first 24 hours after surgery because the anesthesia and the pain medicine they give you make the sleep apnea worse. My best friend, Ginger Brewster, died because she had the surgery with severe untreated sleep apnea and no precautions were taken for her having it. Her profile is on the memorial page of this website it you'd like to read it. I wish you the Best of luck with your surgery and please be safe!
   — Hackett

April 8, 2003
I have mild sleep apnea and I chose not to use a CPAP machine. I was fine while I was recovering. I am hoping the sleep apnea will go away as I lose weight, if not, I will be retested and see if a machine helps.
   — Kendra S.

April 8, 2003
Sandra, It really is good that you had the test done prior to surgery because it can be very dangerous for the surgeon to not know. I tested as having mild apnea also but my surgery went on schedule. I woke up with a breathing machine as was on it for 2 days. All was good and now I have no breathing problems at all. I guess it depends on the surgeon. Good luck in your venture.
   — debbie11092002

April 8, 2003
It depends on your surgeon.....My surgeon also requires you to be on the cpap for 30 days before surgery.To make sure that your oxygen levels are up fully.
   — jennifer A.

April 8, 2003
I, too, have mild sleep apnea. Whether your surgery will be postponed because of it is a question for your surgeon. I've heard both ways that some do postpone, some don't. My surgeon is not postponing my surgery and we've discussed this a good deal. I will be in ICU post-op because of this so that my breathing in monitored closely. Personally, I think this is something YOU need to consider carefully. I will be going to Northwestern Hospital (Chicago) and I know they have access to the latest in technology. Like I said though...this is something that you need to talk about with your DR and research your hospital. Good luck.
   — Diane S.

April 9, 2003
Sandra, I had a sleep study done and it was discovered that I had sleep apnea as well. My surgery is scheduled for 04-29-03 and he has required me to be on CPAP at least 2 wks prior to the surgery so I think it will depend on you Dr. Good Luck! Melony Halliburton Beaumont, Tx
   — Melony H.

April 9, 2003
Original poster here. Thanks so much for all your responses. I was able to talk to the surgeon, and we don't have to postpone but she'll make sure I get adequate oxygen during and after surgery. I'm also going to try to see if I can get the CPAP asap even though surgery is just a week away.
   — sjwilde

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