Has anybody has success with Walter Lindstrom re: exclusions?

My insurance has an exclusion clause stating that they will not pay for any supplies or surgery related to obesity or morbid obesity. Has anyone had any success with Walter Lindsrom regarding this type of exclusion. When I talked with a representative of the insurance company today, she said that the denial had absolutely nothing to do with medical necessity.    — Klynn D. (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
I'd go to his website - the section where you can describe your situation and get a response. Obesity treatment is excluded by my Oregon Blue Cross and I very quickly got back a response saying they've had virtually no success with this insurer and it's probably not worth bothering.
   — sjwilde

April 9, 2003
Ok maybe I was just lucky but I have BCBS of GA PPO and had a very specific written exclusion and I was approved for surgery (1/17/03). I called my insurance company and they told me that it was excluded(I knew already read it in my policy). But the lady said if I could prove medically necessary then they would have to approve and they did. First time no appeal.
   — Kimmie C.

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