Which over the counter or prescription pain relievers can we use Post Op?

I have ovarian cysts which my doctor is trying to diminish with Ortho-Evra birth control patches. I am sure that it will work from what he has told me, but the relief has not been as immediate as I had hoped. I have an appointment with him next week, but I have a very physical job, and was weondering what I can take to relieve some of the pain until then. has anyone had any luck with ANY over the counter pain relief? I know we are not supposed to take Motrin or Naproxen Sodium, but Tylenol isn't cutting it. Thanks for any advice!    — Michelle H. (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 31, 2003
I first want to say follow your surgeons advice when it comes to medication. With that said, my surgeon allows us to take tylenol products. Advil, asprin and aleve can cause ulcers and that is something we do not want in our new pouches. Good Luck!! **kelly
   — Kelly T.

March 31, 2003
There aren't very many over the counter pain relievers that I am aware of that we can take. Like the poster said before, things like aspirin or aleve or even advil can hurt our pouches. Unfortunately, like you said, tylenol doesn't always work. If you're thinking of prescriptions- tylenol with codeine or percocet or things along those lines have tylenol in them, so they are pretty safe for us. Don't know how bad the pain is for you, so don't know if you would need something that strong. Sorry not much of a help- feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 31, 2003
I was gonna say tylenol does the trick for me but since its not doing the job for you ask your surgeon what you can take i remember getting pain med's when i released from the hospital and those worked good i just cannot remember the name to save my life but appearantly i was able to tolerate them so ask ur dr and maybe he can give you something stronger.........good luck
   — Deanna Wise

March 31, 2003
I would try the new Exederin Quick Tabs, they dissolve in your mouth. I put one in my mouth and sip a tiny bit of water and it dissolves instantly. There is aspirin in the REGULAR Exederin but NOT in the Quick Tabs, although there is Caffeine in them. Good Luck.
   — Kelly* P.

March 31, 2003
I was sick several times after surgery and felt like an idiot calling my doc every other day finding out if I could take this or that, etc. Then she explained to me that I can take anything that does not contain an aspirin product. And most medications tell you somewhere on the box whether they do or not. She also said if it is necessary to take something with aspirin in it, something like zantac or pepcid should be taken with it to protect your stomach lining. Check with your doctor if ever in doubt, that's what they are there for.
   — Dee ,.

March 31, 2003
Ask your surgeon! I was given the okay by my surgeon to take ibuprofen and/or Vioxx as needed. I don't take it every day, just once in awhile. It hasn't caused any problems for me.
   — koogy

April 1, 2003
I am still pre-op (for 22 more days) but I just asked my Dr this question. He said that advil once in a while would be ok, and that the liquid caps would be the best. All depends on if you have had problems with ibuprofen in the past. Definitely ask your own doctor what he/she recomends
   — preop_wendyd

April 1, 2003
Original poster! I surely appreciate all the help and advice. I appreciate this site for linking us all together! I have a call into the doctor now, so hopefully he or his nurse will return the call. I like the idea of the liquicaps. I think that might work with some Carafet(spelling?) to coat the tummy first. I am 6 months post-op, down 117lbs, from 265 to 148. Happy with everything but the cysts!! (and some extra skin, but that's another story!!!)
   — Michelle H.

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